True Life in God Messages

Notebook 56 True Life in God 579 levelled it to the ground! and My flock is straying left and right ... for how long am I to drink of the Cup of your division? cup of affliction and devastation; you have offered the Holy One, the One you say you love a cup so wide and so deep, filled with bitterness and sorrow that My palate is drier than parchment, My Lips covered with blisters; the flavour of this cup this generation is offering Me is as bitter as venom; I am not alone to swallow My Tears, your Holy Mother is sharing My grief since Her Immaculate Heart is united in love to My Sacred Heart but soon I shall renew you all with My Fire; pray without ceasing, for the Hour is at hand; I bless you all sealing your foreheads with the Sigh of My Love;  November 15, 1991 My Lord? I am; come to Me at all times; pray with Me, say: You are my only God, my only Hope, my only Love, You are my God unrivalled, ever so Tender and Delicate with the weak and the wretched, let not the Chalice of Your Justice brim over us; allow the captives to be set free before Your Day, my Lord, our faults in Your Eyes have been many and our rebellion and apathy even greater in number, but Your Heart is throbbing with Love and Compassion, give us, O Father, most Gracious, a powerful Breath of Your Spirit to revive us all for Your Glory, amen; I bless you, My child; November 18, 1991 Jesus? Holy One? I Am; little one, daughter of Mine, peace be with you; I, the Lord, bless you and bless you; evangelise with love for Love; tell them that I love each one of them in a special way; tell them also that I am not a complicated God; I am not far, I am present at this very moment; tell them how I long for their love; show them what the Lord’s Heart is; tell them that the Lord’s Heart is nothing else but Love and Mercy and if Justice is brought down upon you it is because of the graveness of your sins and crimes; how many times I overlook all that you do not do in My favour and how many times I kept away the Father’s Hand from falling upon you! Jesus is My Name and Jesus means Saviour; I am the Saviour of all mankind;  November 22, 1991 (Ireland – Cork) beloved children, I give you My Peace; the world is falling into decay, but I have not forgotten you; I am visiting you in your distress to help each one of you reach your Room in Heaven; you are Mine and you are all very precious to Me; I am the Light of the world, so do not fear, I ask you to pray for those who have hardened their heart and do