True Life in God Messages

578 True Life in God Notebook 56 earth, like a garment will wear out; I had warned you, but you paid no heed; My suffering is great but how else am I to expel the merchants from within My Church? how am I to throw out the vipers from their nests inside My Sanctuary if I am not to come with Flame and a Blazing Fire? traders, merchants, the lot will be extirpated and this could be done only by Fire! the sages will boast no more of their wisdom nor of their authority; the rich in spirit will be laid barren and naked and they will mourn; they will look for Me but where they look they will not find Me; they will invoke My Name again and again but I shall not hear them; I shall overthrow the lot; be one with Me, My child; have My peace; I love you very much; Justice is at hand; (Later on:) lean on Me; I am with you, My child; ah My little child, carry for My sake your burden upon your shoulders; love Me, My child, and you shall live; evangelise with love for Love; accept all that comes from Me; come, I and you, you and I, united in love; I love you so much, My Vassula, so much little one ... ecclesia will revive;  November 14, 1991 (Message for Ireland.) listen, Ireland, disperse no more, assemble, assemble all in one; come to Me in peace, and pray together for peace; empty your hearts of all your evil inclinations and learn where peace is, where love is, where sanctity is; pray for those whose hands are dripping with blood, they know not what they are doing; I have come to take aside the best of the flock to ask them if they are willing to make a general renunciation of nine days; the demons in this country will be panic-stricken; I know that your crimes are many and that only a remnant have My Seal on their forehead; I have passed through you, Ireland, and I have staggered in your lawlessness, but look! the Hour is at Hand; your land is parcelled by a measuring line but so is your heart, Ireland, My daughter, right down to your entrails; 1 re-erect My tottering House by assembling in peace and without differentiating yourselves under My Name; even though you are a remnant faithful to Me, be not discouraged, I shall bring you new wine with a blessing to moisten your lips; be not discouraged; your Saviour is on His way of Return; you are the bricks of My Sanctuary and at the same time the builders of My House; by uniting and reassembling, there will be a structure, but if you remain divided and scattered how am I to reconstruct what is in ruin now? I need you all together to make one unity and reconstruct My House; I need all the bricks; My Kingdom on earth is My Church and the Eucharist is the Life of My Church, this Church I Myself have given you; – I had left you with one Church, but hardly had I left, just barely had I turned My back to go to the Father, than you reduced My House to a desolation! you 1God is talking of the different denominations of His Church.