True Life in God Messages

576 True Life in God Notebook 56 November 6, 1991 (England) (Before going to Strangeways Prison to read to them their message.) My child all the strength you will receive will come from Me; show, My child, what the Lord says to the world; show them how My Eyelids run with weeping; let My people pray for those who do not invoke My Name and I shall cure them; the impossible will become possible; the desert will turn into a garden and the rubble into an altar for Me, your God; tell My children to pray; pray with their heart and I shall listen; I call all those who are crushed with pain to offer Me their pain and rest in My Heart; I shall help them carry their cross; so, My Vassula, feel My Presence; see Me with the eyes of your soul; speak to Me and allow Me to use you to glorify Me; November 8, 1991 (England – Manchester) peace be with you; My purpose for descending in this way is for your salvation; what I have commenced and blessed I shall finish; tell My children that when I speak to them, using you as a means, I mean Salvation, I mean Peace, I do not mean destruction; but the devil means destruction, for what he means kills; Faithful love leans all the way down from heaven to reach you and offer you His Heart; you are all so very precious to Me; the Holy One is revealing His Face: I call each one of you without any distinctions; you are all Mine and you all belong to Me and your life is in My Hands perpetually; do not be like those who seem to talk about Unity but yet draw a sword for the ones who practise it; come to Me as one family and we shall all sup together, I and you, you and I; I am allowing everyone to hear My Voice; I bless you all; adorn Me with prayers from your heart;  November 9, 1991 (Manchester) Lord? I Am; little one, be blessed; there still are a few more things I wish to write through you; so allow Me to use you; think, daughter, what you have earned as Knowledge from Me; I will reinforce My temple1 so that its structure becomes solidly strong and will remain unscathed from any blow that may come upon it; I shall increase in you and not decrease; let My Spirit rest in you; the Holy One gives you His Peace; November 13, 1991 Yahweh I love You. I adore You. Yahweh, my celestial Love I know you are with me. Yahweh my Father and Abba, tell Your so-Beloved Son that my heart lives for Him only. Tell Him that He is the Air I breathe, My Life. Tell Him that my voice for His Sake will be carried as far as I can, to proclaim His Desires and His Fervent Love for us. Tell Him, Father that no one and nothing 1Jesus means me.