True Life in God Messages

Notebook 56 True Life in God 575 responded to My invitation, they laughed and scorned at My Gracious Call and caused others who wanted to come, stumble by their teaching; compare all this with My parable of the wedding feast; 1 I will come back2 and they will tremble; they will tremble when they will realise whom they were rejecting all this time; they renounced My Spirit and allowed themselves to be guided by their own spirit, they renounced My Light for their own, they renounced My Heavenly Knowledge given by Wisdom for a second-rate philosophy and their own rational knowledge; – they have apostatised – since they have rejected My Spirit, My Light and My Knowledge; I shall take away My Kingdom from them and give it to a people who can produce its fruit; I shall then welcome these people as My own and ask them to come with Me and keep house with Me; in fact this hour is here already; I have decided to draw near Me the disreputable, those that hang around on every street corner, the unworthy, the nothing of the nothings, the wretched and those who never knew My Name; I will turn to a wretched lot who never loved Me and make a nation of Love out of them, a holy nation, and they will glorify Me; they will be called priests of the Living God, priests of the Amen, and in this priesthood I shall rebuild My Church, in these hearts I shall unite you all, and My Body will rest; the hour is here, and no one can stop this hour of My Holy Spirit; when you will see the world disintegrating under your feet, when you 1Mt. 22:1-14. 2Second Pentecost – the outpour of the Spirit: Jl. 3. will look to your left and see tottering kingdoms and cities reduced into a heap of dust, and to your right mountains tumbling, know that these signs are the beginning of the outpouring of My Holy Spirit; when you see My pupils, whom I Myself have formed, preach fearlessly in My Name, do not disrupt them; resist your temptation and discern the sound of their footsteps; I will keep sending you these saints to gather on their way all the severed members of My Body, and no one, not even the unclean spirits would be able to stop them; these will instead fall down before them because they will know that the Amen is their Master; the Amen is soon with you, My child, He who is your Consoler and whose Home is in inaccessible Light will eventually plunge you into His Light and absorb you; – I am Love – Blessed be Your glorious and Holy Name, praised and extolled for ever. November 5-9, 1991 (England – Manchester) (Just before going to the meeting in St Augustine’s Church the devil attacked me with the aim of spoiling the meeting. I prayed to St. Michael twice and I prayed two decades of the Rosary, to Rosa Mystica. (The devil’s grip released.) – Our blessed Mother then gives me this message.) I am with you, My child; do not fear, I will not leave you an inch from My sight; work in peace, Vassula; I love you, pray now and go in peace and remember I am with you;