True Life in God Messages

572 True Life in God Notebook 55 burnt and in its place I shall sow seeds from Heaven: seeds of Love; this is your Lord speaking, this is the One who loves you more than any man can understand; it is I, Jesus, your Saviour, at your doors now; and I tell you again: come! come to Me, you who are oppressed, I shall comfort you and console you, come! come and have all the Treasures of My Sacred Heart; the Kingdom of God1 is among you, you only have to step inside it; My House is your house; I have opened the door to My Kingdom for everyone; come, do not be tempted by violence any more, repay evil with love – forgive! how else will the Father forgive you if you are not willing to forgive? eat from My fruit and not from the fruit of My enemy, for the children of darkness are wicked in dealing even with their own kind because Evil is their master who teaches them to be like him and the man who is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in greater things too; call together your friends and pray; I shall hear your prayer: – every repentant sinner will be heard – – in Heaven – I, Jesus, bless you all, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead;  October 25, 1991 Lord? I am; 1That is, the Church. Lord, bind me to You even more now and keep me away from insults of men because I live ecumenically. Bind me to Your Heart and when I walk let Your Light be my Guide. When I lie down let Your Spirit watch over me and when I wake up make my spirit talk to Your Spirit. Let me act like You and court You. Make my heart eager to seek You so that I pay everything I vowed to You. Remind us all, Lord, what You had given us. You had given us One sturdy Holy Church Filled with Your Holy Spirit not an empty rubble, You had given us One solid Staff, not two or three or a heap of splinters, where has all this gone? Vassula, let Me tell you first: the insults of those who insult you fall on Me – so do not give up, carry My Cross of Unity from nation to nation and be My Echo to refresh the memories of My people; I am sending My Holy Spirit to remind them to adopt a mutual love that leads to peace and a mutual understanding; in My preliminary Messages about Unity I had asked you all to bend, but have I today anyone who is ready to listen to what My Spirit says? - is there among you any good man left? - is there anyone who really looks for Me? - has anyone yet lowered his voice to hear Mine? - who is the first righteous man among you who will decline and fade away so that My Presence be seen? - who among you is ready to lower his head and allow My Head to be revealed? - is there any generous man among you who will lower his voice and hear My supplicating prayer to the Father: