True Life in God Messages

Notebook 55 True Life in God 571 that surrounds the Spirit; so have hope, My child; the pledge of My Spirit is for your times; you are part of My Household, ecclesia shall revive; (Later on:) (Message for the Philippines:) peace be with you; tell My people to reflect upon My Law; write: – I am reconciling the world – tell them that it is I, Jesus; should they ask what is My Message for them, tell them: – I am coming to reconcile you to My Sacred Heart – and in reconciling you to Myself, I will ask you for the sake of My great Love to reconcile with one another; I intend to reconcile the world to My Sacred Heart and thus make a new creation out of you all; 1 this is the pledge of My Spirit; I tell you solemnly, he who sows the seeds of self-indulgence will reap a harvest of corruption and when he faces Me in the Day of Judgement I will tell him: “go! away from Me; go to the Corrupt one who corrupted you!” unless I hear a cry of repentance 1Rv. 21:1. the smell of death that leads to death will continue to rise all the way to heaven, I want no more of this, what I desire from you is: – incense – I desire you to be like an incense bowl filled with incense, on an altar, beloved children, let your country be transformed into a huge Altar offering Me the fragrance of incense; I want you to live holy since I am Holy; each day I stretch out My Hands towards you to lift you to Me; I have shown My Love for you through ages and today again, like a shepherd rescuing his sheep from the lion’s mouth I come to rescue you from the Viper; I shall in spite of your appalling wretchedness not overthrow you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, I know how oppressed your needy are and how the poor are crushed daily; I know too how miserable you are and oh! I know your crimes ... and they are many; due to the violence done to your sons, the innocent blood shed in your country is great! your misfortunes acquired from sin have challenged My Mercy and for the sake of the greatness of My Love I call your people today together; summon everyone under My Holy Name and tell them that I do not put anyone on trial, neither do I come to menace you; tell your people that I shall outpour My Spirit of Love upon them; like a veil from above I shall spread over your country and like mist My Spirit of Love shall envelop you, and penetrate even from the hinges of your doors and windows; your people will not be disappointed of My Visit; I shall with My Purifying Fire devour corruption and like a reaper I shall put in My Sickle and cut this harvest of evil, tie it together into a bundle and thrust it into the fire to be