True Life in God Messages

570 True Life in God Notebook 55 be touched; come, I am your shield in these times of battle; Lord, I am numbered among those who are violently attacked by Satan. How can Your people hear of Your marvels in the dark? The devil wants to paralyse all Your Plan! For how long yet Your Righteousness will lie in a land of oblivion? Show now, Lord of Mercy and of Justice, that You are our help and consolation. you need not fear; in the end Our Hearts will prevail; I will show everyone how I can save; Scriptures have to be accomplished; you see it is written1 that the beast that comes out of the Abyss is going to make war on the Two Lamps that stand before the Lord of the world, those Two Witnesses who represent My Body and are My Body, those that have proven they are My servants, by their great fortitude in times of suffering, trials and persecution, those who carry My Word and are My mouthpieces, and those who have been given the Truth to be as angels and an echo of the Word, since they have allowed My Spirit to be their Guide, giving each one of them an Elijah ministry; the appeal that they make in My Name is in fact My appeal through them, they raise their voices to remind you of My Law, like Moses on the mountain at Horeb, but it is I, through them, that speak, and although for the people of the world these Two Prophets2 will appear as overcome by the Enemy, I shall breathe life into them and they will stand up; “for as the earth makes fresh things grow, as a garden makes seeds spring up, so will I, the Lord, make both 1Rv. 11:7. 2 The spirit of Elijah and Moses : the spirit of prophecies. integrity and praise spring up in the sight of the nations” ; 3 I will transfigure your wretched bodies into copies of My glorious Body; then you will see a new heaven and a new earth sprout up; the first earth and the first heaven shall disappear, that is: the old City known by the symbolic names Sodom and Egypt, for My Word was crucified again within her, 4because the people of the world did not recognise Me again, although I came to My own Domain, My own people again did not accept Me but treated My Holy Spirit as they pleased, allowing the Beast to make war on those I have sent; these two cities in one, Sodom and Egypt’s rejection they had of My Messengers and the total deafness similar to the stubbornness of Pharaoh; these cities will be replaced by the New Jerusalem; from Sodom and Egypt you shall be called: – New Jerusalem – City of Integrity, City of Holiness; and when this will happen, the survivors, overcome with fear, would only praise Me; 5 the earth now is pregnant and in labour, My child, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth; but the time of waiting is very soon over; I am already breathing on you, creation, reviving you one after the other, purifying you all; so if anyone has objected, he has not been objecting to you, but to Me, I, who have given you My Holy Spirit of Truth; and if they recrucified anyone between the two cities by the symbolic names Sodom and Egypt, they recrucified My Word; but after three-and-a-half days, 6 My Two Lamps will give out a brighter Light, because it will come from the brightness 3 Is. 61:11. 4Rv. 11:8. 5Rv. 11:13. 6Rv. 11:11. Symbolic number.