True Life in God Messages

568 True Life in God Notebook 55 season the Cup of your division? or will you rest My Body and unify, for My sake, the Feast of Easter? in unifying the date of Easter, you will alleviate My pain, brother, and you will rejoice in Me and I in you; and I will have the sight of many restored; “my Beloved! my Creator! He who is my husband has revealed to us things that no human hand could have performed!” this is what you will cry out, once your sight is restored, in My Name, – and I will come to you – 1 I solemnly tell you: summon, assemble all of you, and listen this time to your Shepherd: I will lead you in the way that you must go; send My Message to the ends of the earth; courage, daughter, smile when I smile; I am with you to guide your steps to heaven;  October 17, 1991 (Message given to the ‘reapers’ God selected in the United States to print this book.) I give you all My Peace and bless you; I am with you to uphold your work in My Name and which I have blessed, for this is the work assigned to you all to glorify Me, – in time of famine I came – 1Jesus said this as a King, majestically. to fill your mouths with My Celestial Manna so that you will not perish; I will never desert you; Love will return as Love;  (And Our Blessed Mother also gives them a message.) ecclesia will revive; glory be to God; I am the Queen of Heaven, your Mother, and I bless you; pray for peace, pray for faith, love and unity; pray for the conversion of all My children; I want everybody to be saved; God’s works of Light cannot be hidden forever, 2 this is why I have chosen you to be God’s reapers; I love you all with a great love and I thank you for dedicating the Lord’s Books to Me; 3 have faith, little ones, the Lord is with you, follow Him; be confident for I am with you; come; October 20, 1991 (Message from the Sacred Heart to Belgium. Read out in Bruxelles at St Michael’s Hall of the Jesuits’ College, on October 20, 1991.) My Lord, be with me. feel confident because I Am is with you; My Vassula, tell them this: if many have forgotten My Sacred Heart, I have never forgotten them; I have called them, assembling them here today to pray together; I desire My children united; I desire My entire Church to be united; those that persist in remaining separated have already separated My Heart from theirs; realise 2That is because of the many obstacles Satan had put to stop the Messages of the Sacred Heart from spreading. 3 The group who printed the English Books, dedicated one of them to our Blessed Mother.