True Life in God Messages

Notebook 55 True Life in God 567 the eyes of the world, but not in your Maker’s Eyes; revive what little you have left: it is dying fast and wherever the corpse is, there will the vultures gather; unite! assemble! invoke My Name together! consecrate My Body and My Blood together! do not persecute the Way! humble yourselves and bend to be able to unite and glorify Me; you speak of the Spirit but do not act in the Spirit; you speak of the Way but you rank first to obstruct It! – how little do you know Me .... you call out My Name, yet you murder My children between the sanctuary and the altar; I tell you solemnly, all of this will be brought to you in the Day of Judgement; can you face Me and truly say: “I am reconciled with My brothers”; can you truly say: “I have not differentiated myself among brothers, under Your Holy Name; I have treated them as my equal”; when you present your case before Me I shall then say to your face: “away with you, you have not treated your brothers as your equal; you have massacred daily My Body; where is your triumph? while I was building, you were tearing down; while I was reassembling you were scattering; while I was uniting you were dividing!” yet, even today, if you come to Me as you are, I can heal you, I can transfigure you and you will glorify Me; “alas for those with child, or with babies at the breast, when My Day comes!” write: 1 alas for those I find with sin coiled in them as with child and with adepts formed by them and of their own kind; but it has been said that from your own ranks there will be men coming forward with a travesty of the truth on their lips to induce the disciples to follow them ; 2 I am shouting and I am trying to break 1 Jesus means the explanation of this verse of Lk. 21:23. 2Ac. 20:30. through your deafness to save you; and if I reproach you it is because of the Greatness of the Love I have for you; but I tell you truly: I shall assemble one day all the separated parts of My Body together into One assembly; – do not weep, My friend, 3 you who love Me; endure what I endure; however, console Me and have faith in Me; you will achieve great works in My Name; be tolerant as I am tolerant; I had been hungry, thirsty and often starving and you came to My help; carry on your good works and I shall reward you; I tell you truly, you are not alone, I am with you; be united in Me and live in peace; you are the posterity of My Blood and the heir of My Kingdom; tell them that the Heart of the Lord is Love and that the Heart of the Law is based on Love; tell My people that I do not want administrators in My House, they will not be justified in My Day; because it is these very ones who have industrialised My House; I have sent you My Spirit to live in your hearts, this is why the Spirit that lives in you will show you that My Church will be rebuilt inside your hearts and you will acknowledge each other as your brother in your heart; 4 – will I, brother, one more season go through the pain I have been going through year after year? or will you give Me rest this time? am I going to drink one more 3 Jesus speaks to those who truly love Him and are truly and sincerely working to unite the Churches. His friends. 4My Jesus, in saying all this, had taken the voice of a victim. Weary, begging, as though He depended on us. Like a prisoner in a cell going to the door of his cell and asking the guard, from the little window, how much longer yet was his sentence, before the day of his liberation.