True Life in God Messages

564 True Life in God Notebook 55 have My Peace, remember: I am with you all the time; come, enter into My Wounds;  October 13, 1991 There is no one, my Lord, in my heart but You. Little by little You correct me; You have won my heart showering blessing upon blessing on me. But am I doing Your Will now? Am I near You, following You? Am I coming to my neighbour’s help as far as I can? Am I following Your Commandments? Am I enjoying Your favour still? learn to lean on Me; – daughter, are you willing to continue carrying the Cross I have predestinated for you? I am willing, so long as I do not lose You and am with You, united and one. do you know what this means and what it requires? Sacrifice, abasement, humility, effacement, love , faith , hope, docility, self-abnegation, prayer, prayer, prayer, patience, penance, mortification, suffering, fasting, and trust in You? And a spirit of forgiveness. you have said well, but it is not just to know these things; you want to remain in My favour? then you must put everything you mentioned into practice; the Kingdom of Heaven is like a trophy, he who wins it will cherish it; again, the Kingdom of Heaven will be given to those who come with their hands full of good fruit – and so My Vassula, I intend to rebuild My Church on the virtues you have mentioned; if you walk with Me you will not be lost; do not be tempted to look to your left or to your right; as I had said to My disciples: “salute no one on the road”; 1 you want to serve Me as you say, you must follow Me then with My Cross of Peace, Love and Unity to glorify Me; do not look with consternation on the other crosses I lay on your way, since they all come from Me; glorify Me; your table is always full and your cup brimming over, so do not complain for nothing; I shall probe you and test your love for Me now and then to build you spiritually; do not drag your feet behind Me, follow My pace light-heartedly; rest in Me when you are weary and allow Me to rest in you when I feel weary; – listen now to your Holy One: do not be taken away by every wind that comes your way, be rooted in Me and you will not be uprooted, daughter; enrich My Church with all the Knowledge I have given you and tell them that the Heart of the Lord is an Abyss of Love, yet no man is fully aware of its depths nor of its riches; I know you are frail, daughter, yet have you lacked resources? trust Me, trust Me, and be the reflection of what Unity will be like; do not be like those who persist in differentiating themselves under My Holy Name; do not be like those who pretend that Unity is appealing to them and remain dead to their word achieving nothing but a resentment from the Father; both the Father and I abhor their arguments, contrary to what they think; yet nothing retains Me from crying out to these men of power: “descend! descend from your thrones and may these scales on your eyes fall to see what a desolation you have made out of My House! you have robbed My Sanctuary and all that was within it! you 1Lk. 10:4.