True Life in God Messages

Notebook 54 True Life in God 559 generosity, and not until you understand that you will have to bend, will you be able to unite; – so My Vassula, join Me in My prayer, as you saw Me praying before; I am with you, My child, very much; comply with Love’s desires; Jesus will never abandon you, be united in your love with Him, for one purpose: to glorify Him; now, daughter, 1 do you understand why you should not give up reaping with Me? keep on praying; and bless those who persecute you; your hour has not yet come, My dove; I will be gentle with you and you will be all the more loved by Me; do not try to understand what is beyond your power; drive in the sickle when you see Me driving in My Sickle; do not delay your step, follow in time with My Pace; if I delay, delay too; speak up when I give you the signal and keep silent when I look at you; always defend to death The Truth; scathed you shall be from time to time, but I shall allow it just enough to keep your soul pure and docile; know that I am always by your side; reap when I reap; learn to be patient as I am Patient; be very humble and effaced; I have entrusted you with My Interests2 to work with Me at My side, and I have appointed others too to join their services in this work; – Vassula, My child, a little longer, a very little, and your soul will fly to Me, so there is no reason to feel downcast as you tell Me, you have but to lift your head and look Who comes all the way to your room, Who sups with you, Who shepherds you; ask Me to forgive your sins, so that you may receive My Peace and that you may have joy again; tell My children that soon I will send My Holy 1The Father's Voice again came back. 2 I also heard: “Ministry”. Spirit in full force to shepherd you and lead you all back into the true Fold and live a True Life in Me your God September 26, 1991 My eyes are always on You, O my God. The close secret3 to You is given to those who love You and fear You. You have lifted my soul from the pit to discover Your Sacred Heart’s Wealth, I have discovered the Mercy Your prophets spoke of, I have discovered the Love and Meekness Your disciples tasted, I have discovered the Peace You Yourself have given us. In Your Sacred Heart, You allowed my soul to discover that Suffering is Divine and Mortification agreeable in Your Eyes. Then in my soul came a brilliant Light, and like a tuneful noise of doves, I heard and felt a Breath slide over my face and You filled me with Your Mysteries. taste more of My Secrets, My child, by being obedient to My Law; lower even more now your voice so you may hear only Mine; lower your head, so that Mine would be seen; lower yourself so that I can lift you up to Me; many a time you inspect the Secrets of My Sacred Heart with your own light; you have only to ask Me, My child, and I will pour in your eyes My Transcendent Light and it will fill your entire soul; see to it then, My child, that the light inside you comes from Me; then, only then, My 3Meaning the intimacy.