True Life in God Messages

558 True Life in God Notebook 54 ages;” 1 yes, it is near .... and now what do you see, Vassula? Live human torches. see carefully those very souls I created .... these shall never reach the Room I had prepared for them, these souls are under Satan’s power, and they will not share My Kingdom nor My Glory; they are heading for their damnation .... tell Me, have I deprived any soul of My Love, My Glory and My Kingdom? – No, Lord. but they have chosen not to love Me and willingly followed Satan; they cut off, by their own free will, the bonds of our union; and now look again, Vassula, what do you see? O Lord, a Woman, sitting on a white rock. I see Her from the back. She's wearing a long black dress and has Her Head also covered with a long black scarf. She appears to be in great distress and is doubled with Her pain. – I see myself approach Her. She lifts Her Face, and I start to weep too with Her. It’s Jesus’ Mother, our Mother. Her Face is very pale and filled with tears. Upon seeing me, She stretched Her left Hand out and pressed it on my arm. I am the Woman of Sorrows, familiar with misery; I am the one who will recover for you: Hope; I am the one who will crush and trample with My heel the serpent’s head; My Eyes weep ceaselessly these days without relief, My Eyes have grown sore over all My children; Vassula, My daughter, do not close your ear to God, do not close your ear to My request; you heard Me weeping; I have defended your cause, and always 1Jl. 2:2. will; when the Lord fastens you to Him, it is out of Love to pour out His Heart in your heart; today, 2 to you in turn His Cup will be passed, do not refuse to drink, hesitant you must not be; your streets are polluted with innocent blood, and Our Hearts are sick, this is the reason for My Tears, this is the reason why the Lord will share His Cup with you; treason barricades unity among brothers, insincerity of heart induces God’s Cup to augment; they wrenched the Body of My Son, divided It, mutilated It and paralysed It; I am reminding you all that through Him, all of you have in the One Spirit your way to come to the Father, yet you remain divided under My Son’s Name; you speak of unity and peace and yet stretch a net for those who practise it; God cannot be deceived nor is He convinced by your arguments; the Kingdom of God is not just words on the lips; the Kingdom of God is love, peace, unity and faith in the heart: it is the Lord’s Church united in One inside your heart; the Keys to Unity are: Love and Humility; Jesus never urged you to divide yourselves, this division in His Church was no desire of His; I implore My children to unite in heart and voice and rebuild My Son’s primitive Church in their heart; I am saying My Son’s primitive Church, since that Church was constructed on Love, Simplicity, Humility and Faith; I do not mean you to reconstruct a new edifice, I mean you to reconstruct an edifice inside your heart; I mean you to knock down the old bricks inside your heart, bricks of disunion, intolerance, unfaithfulness, unforgiveness, lack of love, and reconstruct My Son’s Church by reconciling; you need intense poverty of the spirit and an overflow of wealth of 2Meaning, these coming days.