True Life in God Messages

Notebook 54 True Life in God 555 and that My Return is imminent; if you love Me you would be glad to know that My Holy Spirit will come upon you in all His force and in all His glory; if you love Me you will continue to pray for the conversion of all My children who are unaware and still live under Satan’s power; if anyone loves Me as I love you all, he will listen to Me and will remain faithful up to the end of his ministry; My little children, if you loved Me, you would perform even greater works than those I performed while on earth, but no one has performed anything greater yet because of the so little faith you have in Me, and the ever so little love you have for one another; no one yet has loved Me as much as I love you; but on the Day of Purification you will understand how little you have done because I will show My Holy Face in you; – you hear those Footsteps? they are Mine; you hear the sound of My Breath already? it is the sweet sound of My Holy Spirit blowing through your wilderness and your aridity; you felt a Breath slide over your face? do not fear; like the Dove’s wings, My Holy Spirit touched you slightly while hovering above you; O come! come to Me and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, I too will lift your soul up to Me and revive you! as I was lifted up in Heaven you too will be lifted up to Me to be nursed on My Breast; O come to Me! get thirsty again, thirst for My Everlasting Wells, thirst to be with Me, your God! I will without hesitation offer you to drink and turn My Water into a spring inside you, welling up to eternal life, for from My Breast flow fountains of living water, an inexhaustible Source; O come to Me! hunger again for My Bread, and you will not die! today, as yesterday, I stand up and cry out: “if any man is thirsty, let him come to Me! let the man come and drink who believes in Me!” 1 My forbearance is great, and although I know you are sinners and you have polluted the earth with innocent blood, 2 if you come to Me repentant, I will forgive your guilt and your crime; I am an Abyss of Grace; do not be afraid .... do not fear Me, fear rather the Hour if it finds you unaware and asleep; – this is the Voice of your Father; this is the Voice of the Sublime Source of Love; this is the Voice of He who once said: “Let there be light!” and there was light; come to Me and I shall give you My Spirit without reserve; do not be like the soldiers who shared out My clothing and cast lots for them at the foot of My Cross; come to Me with John’s spirit, come to Me out of love; come to Me to console Me and be with Me; – the Hour is coming when the world will find itself only in distress and darkness, the blackness of anguish and will see nothing but night; bewildered, they will call out to Me, but I shall not reply, I shall not listen to their cry; frenzied, they will blaspheme My Revelation, Wisdom and the Truth; the whole world will be inundated by distress upon seeing the Ark of the Covenant, My Law; many will fall and be broken, rocked and shaken because of their lawlessness; – when the heavens will tear open, like a curtain ripped in half, showing 1Jn. 7:37-38. 2 There was a stress, that Jesus put in my mind, on abortions.