True Life in God Messages

554 True Life in God Notebook 54 – hear Me: I shall pour out My Spirit on this evil generation to entice hearts and lead everyone back to the complete Truth, to live a Perfect Life in Me your God; but be brave, because there will still be a Fire before My Day, so do not fear nor be sad, because without this Fire, the world’s face cannot change .... and when it comes, it will show the world how wrong it was; it will show its godlessness, its rationalism, materialism, selfishness, pride, greed and its wickedness; in short, all those vices the world worships; no one can say that I have not been telling you the outset of My Plans; no one can say that I have been hiding My Plans from you; I am The Truth and The Truth will always open His Heart and expose to you His fervent Plans as they are .... the Truth will always give you the choice of proving yourselves to Him; – if I had not spoken to you, if I had not been opening now the Heavens to you, you would be excused, but I have been calling you day and night; without ceasing I have been sending you My angels to speak to you; I raised from nothing, wretched souls and formed them into fervent disciples to go and knock on your doors and repeat to you the Words I Myself have given them; no, they were not speaking as from themselves, but were only repeating the Knowledge that I Myself have instructed them with; they went to you in their poverty and barefoot to tell you of the things that are to come, not adding nor deducting anything from that which I have given them; all they said was taken from Wisdom Herself; – now, I solemnly tell you, that when that Day of Purification comes, many will be sorrowful to the point of death for not having allowed My Holy Spirit of Truth to enter their house, 1 but have welcomed in His place the Viper, the Abomination of the desolation, and shared their meal side by side with My enemy; they welcomed inside their house the one who apes the Holy One, they worshipped the Deceiver, who taught them to misconceive My Holy Spirit: My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life and The Inner Power of their soul He who breathed an active soul into them and inspired a living spirit; – I tell you solemnly, My Fire will descend in this world quicker than you expect it to come, so that those without sight of their sins may suddenly see their guilt; it is in My Power to bring this Day forward and it is again within My Power to shorten this Hour, for this Hour will bring so much distress that many would curse the hour of their birth; they would want the valleys to open and swallow them, the mountains to fall on them and cover them, the vulture to devastate them quickly, they would want to dash themselves to pieces; but no one will escape from this Hour; those that truly love Me will suffer only for not having done more for Me; they too will be cleansed; but woe to those who rejected Me and refused to recognise Me, they have their judge already; the Truth that was given to them will be their judge on that Day; – you heard Me say many times from My mouthpieces that “the Day of the Lord is at hand” 1That is: their soul.