True Life in God Messages

Notebook 54 True Life in God 551 September 15, 1991 lean on Me; blessed of My Soul, I give you My Peace; write: O Jerusalem! 1 turn your eyes to the east and to the west; turn your eyes to the north and to the south, and I Am there! I tell you truly that once more My Spirit will be poured on you and My Image will be spread across the face of the world; what I have planned shall happen and what I have told you shall be fulfilled; come close to Me and listen carefully: today I come all the way to your doorstep holding the banner of Peace; I am coming to save you Jerusalem, on it is written: Faithful and True, 2 the King of kings and the Lord of lords; 3 will I hear from you Jerusalem: “My King, it is You that I have to worship”, or will you still be unaware of He who offers you His Peace .... now? will you in these last days before the Day of Retribution recognise My Holy Spirit who descended from above in all His Glory to make house with you? during your whole lifetime, generation, you flouted My Law and turned away, rebelling; are you ever going to be prepared to meet Me, your God? I am soon going to pass through your City! 4 September 11, 1991, Christ has been warning us that Satan is preparing a great holocaust to destroy us. The people who died, good or bad, are today’s victims of our sins and our deafness to announcements that God has been warning us to save us and to spare us from suffering and from dying. We from our own sins have victimised innocent people and created great sufferings unnecessarily. We must pray for all those families that have lost their beloved ones that God gives them strength and a spirit of pardon. 1That is: O generation! 2Rv. 19:11. 3Rv. 19:16. 4That is, through us. We are cities. and it will be sooner than you think! these will be My last warnings; I solemnly tell you: wake up from your deep sleep! you are heading for your ruin, shake off the dust that covers you and rise from the dead, The End of Times5 is nearer than you think; - soon, very soon, I shall suddenly open My Sanctuary in Heaven and there, your eyes unveiled, you will perceive, like a secret revelation: myriads of Angels, Thrones, Dominations, Sovereignties, Powers, all prostrated around, The Ark of the Covenant; then, a Breath will slide over your face, and the Powers of Heaven will shake, flashes of lightning will be followed by peals of thunder; “suddenly upon you will come a time of great distress, unparalleled since nations first came to existence;” 6 for I will allow your soul to perceive all the events of your lifetime; I will unfold them one after the other; to the great dismay of your soul, you will realise how much innocent blood your sins shed, from victim souls; I will then make your soul aware to see how you had never been following My Law; like an unrolled scroll, I will open The Ark of The Covenant and make you conscious of your lawlessness; - if you would still be alive and standing on your feet, the eyes of your soul will behold a dazzling Light, like the glitter of many precious stones; like the sparks of crystal-clear diamonds, a Light so pure and so bright that although myriads of angels would be standing nearby, in 5The End of Times is NOT the End of the world, it is the end of an epoch. 6Dn. 12:1