True Life in God Messages

Notebook 53 True Life in God 547 August 20, 1991 How delightful it will be for all Christians to live together like brothers. How much greater Your Glory would be to see us humble, around one single Tabernacle and Altar, praising You with one heart, one mind, and one voice ... yet when I follow Your orders and I witness for unity, I am not understood nor believed. Like a millstone they smash me on the ground. My child, the Anointed One is your shepherd and He shepherds you by opening your path; clothed in My Blessings all I ask from you is to pass on the Love I have given you to the nations; allow Me to use you, little soul; Abba has you in His Arms; I Am is with you; – look at Me, what will I not do for you .... and you, can you utter the same words? Yes Lord. arise then and continue to witness; your race is not yet over, but do not lose heart, by your side I am to encourage your little heart; your ankles are bonded to Mine, and My Lips are stuck to your ear to whisper to you and remind you that you are not greater than your Divine Master, you who are just My pupil will they not induce on you the same marks as your Master, the Prime Martyr? My daughter, love Me and I shall continue to pour out to you the Riches of My Sacred Heart, all this Wealth that had been reserved for your Times; I had once said that from My Sacred Heart I will perform at the End of Times, works as never before, works that will marvel you, to show the radiant glory of My Sacred Heart; I had promised that I would expose My Sacred Heart entirely and wholeheartedly to entice hearts because My words are sweeter than honey; everything shall be accomplished in time, trust Me; let no one deceive you, My child, My Gift has already proved Itself; – I bless you; – Wisdom shall continue Her Good Works with you; August 30, 1991 My Lord and my Life. I Am; silence is the best weapon after prayer; – I will trample on My enemy soon; Vassula, hear Me: your Holy One is resurrecting Russia to be a noble nation; Russia will be perfected in the Arms of her Spouse; I the Lord shall perfect her; have I not said to you, My child, that I have My Hand on her cold heart warming it? 1 and the day My bride will open her eyes and see Me her Spouse standing beside her, she shall see and understand what My Hands have done in her midst and from thereon, Russia, My bride, shall openly hold My Name Holy; and all erring evil spirits within her will flee; I had told you all these things before they happen so that you may believe that it is I, the Almighty, who is guiding you; hear Me: I shall not conceal My Plans; if men are tempted to conceal My Plans, I, with My Own Hand, shall unveil everything to you all before they happen; the Holy One has been warning you, I had not been menacing anyone of you; 1See prophetic message on Russia of March 11, 1988.