True Life in God Messages

546 True Life in God Notebook 53 your Abba, from His Throne, tells you: I love you all with an eternal Love – be blessed; (Later on:) Lord, forgive us, for we have really failed to appreciate Your Great Love, we failed to appreciate Your Great Sacrifice, we failed to love and stay united; we keep repeating our errors continuously. O Lord Jesus, we need desperately Your help to come back to our senses. Come and rescue us, the garland of divinity has fallen from our heads; look on us and see our wretchedness, our pitiful degradation, our atrophy to what is holy. Make us come back to You, by coming to visit each one of us, as You have visited me, visit the rest of Your children and show them Your Heart. I want, My Vassula, to hear from every lip: “Jesus, I love You, save my soul and save the souls of others too” so pray for the conversion of these poor souls, pray novenas and I shall listen; I can change stubbornness to comply, so pray to My Sacred Heart and I shall do the rest; August 18, 1991 O Lord, I am so troubled, to the point of death. It is my Gethsemane today; my soul is battered and distressed. Satan has definitely made me a target to dash me to pieces. Pitiless, he pierces me through and through. I am the butt of my persecutors, where then is my hope? In My Sacred Heart, My dove; your cote is My Sacred Heart; turn to Me and My Spirit will console you; offer Me your troubles and I shall thrust them in My Heart, I shall make good use of them, I shall liberate souls from purgatory .... then forget your troubles of these days and rest in Me your God; I am an Ocean of Peace; give Me, daughter all your tribulations and My Peace shall annihilate them; have My Peace, My lamb, – I love you; – I offer Peace; rest in Me; go now in Peace;  August 19, 1991 Lord, when peacemakers1work for peace, sowing seeds which bear good fruit, guided by the Holy Spirit, why are they told to keep quiet, why are they hounded, why are they disbelieved? because they2 are bought like expensive material by merchants; Rationalism blurs their spirit, dulls their sense of discernment and kills their humility; like Sodom and Egypt they are rejecting all that comes from the inner part of the Church, the inner power, which is: My Holy Spirit nevertheless, I shall give you My Strength to proceed for this is My Will; 1 Peacemakers: those who evangelise the Word of God to bring the world back to God and reconcile with God. 2The disbelievers.