True Life in God Messages

Notebook 53 True Life in God 545 Satan a foothold; pray, for prayer is your weapon against Satan; Love loves you;  August 11, 1991 (To the young prayer group of Athens and Rhodos.) I have said: you are My children of Light, and I shall add to this: and your Dwelling is My Sacred Heart; remember, My Love for you all is Great; never, never ever forget this;  (Jesus then asked us to read Col. 3: 5-17.) August 12, 1991 (Rhodos) (For the group:) My Lord and my God? I Am; I shall speak freely to My lambs: all I ask from you is love; love Me without restrain; I am the Source of Sublime Love; come to Me and draw from Me and fill your hearts to be able to give this love to others; I am Present wherever you are, so never ever forget that where you are, I Am; I, the Lord, bless you; care for your brothers and sisters and lead them to Me, let them too see My Holy Face; I, My little children, have created you out of Love to love Me, to console Me, to praise Me; – you want to Glorify Me? then love Me and adore Me, the door to Heaven are your prayers to Me; I want prayers from your heart; so I tell you, pray, pray, pray; – remember that your Mother’s Heart and Mine are united in Love; so you, you whom My Heart loves, come to both of Us and I shall offer you your rest in My Sacred Heart and protection will be offered in your Mother's Heart; – I am the Resurrection and I shall resurrect many more of you as I resurrected you; I am Mercy and out of My Boundless Mercy I let My Heart be touched; Love and Mercy is at your very doors, now!  August 13, 1991 (Rhodos) O Yahweh, my God and Father, smile on us. Lord? I Am; it is I, Yahweh, your Abba; O God, have mercy on our wretchedness. flower, I, Yahweh your God, am most Merciful; I Am an endless Ocean of Mercy, Compassion and Tenderness; I have given you My Law but it is not enough to say you know My Law, you have to practise My Law; it is not enough either to say you believe I Am, I desire you to love and adore Me; even the demons believe that I Am but they do not love Me nor do they adore Me; they listen to My Voice but they do not love Me; be loyal to Me and you, you who are My seed, come to Me your Abba and console Me; I - Am - weary - and you are only a remnant who can console Me; you are the smallest of the flock and My Eyes are upon you;