True Life in God Messages

Notebook 53 True Life in God 541 considerable number of years and you still do not feel Me? I want more of You. I want to be drenched completely and literally invaded by Your Holy Spirit. come to Me and eat Me .... drink Me and at no cost at all! eat Me and you will hunger for more, drink Me and you will thirst for more! receive Me with joy and let Me rejoice; learn how My Heart palpitates and rejoices every time I and you become one, united in love; come and get sanctified by eating My Body and drinking My Blood; Yes, I thirst for You, my Lord. hope in Me, thirst for Me and soon, very soon, your Holy One shall come and fetch you and take you to His Home which is your Home too; I bless you, My daughter; I bless You, my God. August 2, 1991 (Rhodos) (For the Greek prayer group) Jesus, my Lord, blessed be Your Name. May Your Holy Name stand in Glory for ever and ever. My Holy name stands and will always stand in all its Glory, May Your Hand guide us to the Truth and the only One Truth. Let nothing part me from this Truth You Yourself have given us. you came empty to Me and departed full; I never stood in awe of greatness nor of strength; I Myself have filled your mouth with My Wisdom so that you may learn and not fall into error; I have given you My instructions so that you may find your defence in them; listen now and understand: set Our Two Sacred Hearts like a Seal on your heart; the Sacred Heart of your Mother shall be your defence and My Own Sacred Heart your Home; with this Sign sealed on your heart, the foxes that make havoc of My Vineyards that are now in fruit, shall be caught; you, My little ones are: Our Vineyard1of Our Two Sacred Hearts; come, My little children and listen: who among you delights in Eternal Life? - adore Me then in the splendour of My Holiness; be constant with your prayers; - Satan will be chained by the Rosary; - be constant in your confessions, little children, to be able to come and receive Me in the Holy Eucharist as often as you can; - fast on bread and water two days a week, to make reparations and sacrifice; - do not look to your left nor to your right, look in front of you where I Am; wherever I go you shall go, wherever I live you shall live; these, My beloved, are My Principles; My Word should be taken in like your daily food, it is your Heavenly Bread, it is your Life; come often to Me and consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and I shall breathe on you and make you Mine to spread My Word to the four corners of this earth, and 1The prayer group is being named: “Prayer group of the Two Sacred Hearts.”