True Life in God Messages

540 True Life in God Notebook 53 sacrifice, love and pray for all those who have turned their backs to Me; lend Me an ear and I shall accomplish all that has to be accomplished; I, Jesus, will continue to help you and do all the work I have asked from you; My little pupil, stay near Me and love Me; I, the Lord, love you and bless you; have My Peace; come, Love is by your side;  July 29, 1991 (Rhodos) My Lord, Your Name is an oil poured out, 1 like those the icons pour out. It is Your signature, my Lord. “A spreading olive tree so fair, so sturdy, was Yahweh’s Name for you...” 2 My daughter, You are my Creator? I Am... 3 ah My child, I came not only for you in this way but for all My other children too, to ask you to live holy and turn away from your evil ways of living; let Me fill your hope; I intend to come and visit every kind of misery on this earth and break you free from sin; I Am is My Name and I am Holy so I want you to live holy; sanctify your lives and turn into My direction; the Evil one has no hold over those who stay awake and pray without cease; open your hearts so that I enter in you and make My home in you; have My Peace; 1Sg. 1:3. 2Jr. 11:16. 3 I sighed filled with joy but languishly desiring to be with Him. July 30, 1991 My Vassula, let nothing stand between Me and you; like the moon and the sun are steady and follow faithfully their course of nature and do not simply vanish from the sky, I too am steadfast and by your side; yet even if these become unsteady, I shall never be unsteady; I am, I was, and will always be steadfast by your side; when I reveal Myself, in fact when I reveal My entire Self, to you and tell you that I shall never abandon you nor withdraw My gift from you or strip you of My Jewels, believe Me, and do not have the slightest shadow of doubt, I have raised you up to be with Me and follow Me; so, pupil of Mine, follow your Master, let your thoughts settle on Me; you were dead because you never knew Me, but the Word came to your ear and with a blessing raised you and with the Breath of His Holy Spirit revived you and opened your eyes, then, with a Kiss from His Mouth made you His bride; – I shall save you all in this way – do not be afraid when I come with My Cross, My Thorned Crown and My Nails and offer them to you, because these priceless Jewels that I will be offering you, are these very ones I embraced ardently with love; they are the Instruments of your Redemption; – allow Me to use you, Vassula, so that through you in writing and orally I can pour out My Heart on this generation; hope in Me, desire Me, do not feel downcast; I Am is ever so near you, am I not worthy for more joy? O yes Lord! But let me feel You more! have I been with you all this time, and you still do not feel or notice My Presence? I have been preaching to you a