True Life in God Messages

Notebook 53 True Life in God 539 of prophecy has become a plague to those who belong to the world; 1 their frenzied persecutions and total rejection they have for My mouthpieces are similar to those of Sodom; their stubbornness to open their heart and comply, their refusal to open their ear and listen to My Voice today, have gone beyond the stubbornness of Pharaoh in Egypt; 2 today I am giving you “things that no eye has seen and no ear has heard, things beyond the mind of man,” 3 all these things that lift your spirit to call Me Abba; My Holy Spirit is calling you all to true devotion and to a better knowledge of God Himself, that is why I am continually repeating the same truths given to you; I shall continue calling you until I break through your deafness, generation, I shall not stop calling you in agony, not until I hear from you the word: Abba! the new heavens and new earth are soon upon you;  July 24, 1991 (Rhodos) (Message for the Rhodos prayer group.) My eagerness to preach to them is beyond human understanding and that is why Wisdom is at the door of their heart; no one is worthy of My Wisdom, 1 God is alluding to Rv. 11:10: “...because these two prophets have been a plague to the people of the world.” 2God is alluding to Rv. 11:8: “... their corpses will lie in the main street of the Great City known by the symbolic names Sodom and Egypt…” 3 1 Co. 2:9. nevertheless, the Father out of His Infinite Graciousness is willing to give Wisdom to mere children; ah .... My beloved, you are all My offspring, wretched you have become and still are, yet what Father would ignore his child in his misery and send him away to continue his immorality until Death overcomes him? would he not intervene and quickly rescue him? now that I have lifted you from the pit, lift your gaze on Me; your eyes shall behold Perfection; allow Me to keep house with you, you shall not regret it.... I, the Lord, bless each one of you; be a vessel of light for the others who walk around like tainted vessels, unable to tell their left hand from their right and bring them to Me; I shall give you My Strength, do not fear; the human race grieves Me to the point of death and My Heart lacerates to watch such iniquity and sin into the world; you, you have heard My laments, because I came near you; you have heard My Voice, rejoice! rejoice and be glad that I healed your eyes that were dim, your heart that was sick with lawlessness; I made you come back to Me through My Mercy and now allow Me to use you all for My Divine Plan, young and old alike; pray and ask for My guidance; you are very precious to Me; pray without cease for this shall be your nourishment;  July 27, 1991 Lord, perfect us in Your Beauty. little one, I give you My Peace; ask always and it shall be given unto you; pray frequently, fervently, and while the sinner still continues his wickedness without remorse, you shall continue to