True Life in God Messages

538 True Life in God Notebook 53 and who lifted my soul entering it, consuming it with Your Fire and leaving me in total rapture for You; Yahweh, Your Majesty and King of Kings, You who lead me by this marvellous road, keep me free from sin and from falling; I am a sinner and am more apt to sin than do good; fortify your city ... be in peace; I, the Lord, love you; take My Hand and follow Me; pray My Vassula, for there is still a long way to go for your perfection; you are not exempt from sin nor from falling and falls you will have, but I am near you to help you up and press you on My Heart so that you may feel My Love and how I cherish you; come, we shall pray together: Father, come to our help and guide our steps to perfection, bring back our divinity and make us the perfect dwelling of Your Holiness; amen; Jesus? I Am; My Holy Spirit, My Vassula, shall go to the very ends of the earth and seek even the least amongst you to save you from the disastrous abomination that dwells within many of you now .... the Heavens soon shall deluge at My Coming upon you; I, the Lord have done many wonders for you and shall do more in these coming days; 1 pray My child, pray for those who offend My Holiness and blaspheme My Holy Spirit calling My Spirit foolish; have I not said: “... everyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven, but no one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven;” 2 1 The fall of Communism in Russia after the threeday putsch. 2Lk. 12:10. for the Spirit is not opposed to the Son nor is the Father to the Spirit, since all three of Us agree; 3 many of you are condemning My Celestial manifestations and persecuting those whom My Spirit speaks through them because you do not believe they come from Me; daughter, look at the Wounds of My Body4 .... I have little time left now before My Father’s Hand strikes this generation; listen to your Father from whom you are sprung; listen to His Voice: I went all ways, seeking to gather you and remind you to live holy since I am Holy, but only a remnant of you pay attention when I speak; I have spoken through those you call contemptible; I have spoken through weakness and poverty, but you have made a cult in persecuting My Holy Spirit that guides them, to the point of frenzy!! I have been sending you through them the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Moses, those two witnesses dressed in sackcloth, 5 to prophesy and remind you of My Law, before My great Return; they are to speak to you in My Name and bring you back to the Truth and back to your senses; but over you spread a heavy darkness and your claims to your knowledge became a battlefield to My Knowledge: the Lie was and is persecuting the Truth, but Scriptures never lie; it was said that “the beast6 that comes out of the Abyss is going to make war on them and overcome them and kill them;” 7 indeed your battlefield is drenched now with innocent blood, because My Holy Spirit 3 1 Jn. 5:8. 4 Jesus’ garment was soaked in His Own Blood, His ankles which I could see had blood with wounds like stripes. 5Rv. 11:3. 6 In this context God made me understand that beast meant: lie. 7Rv. 11:7.