True Life in God Messages

Notebook 52 True Life in God 533 is the Antichrist, for he is denying the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who are one and the same because all three of Us agree; 1 today many of you are denying the outpouring of My Holy Spirit; the graces and the gifts My Holy Spirit is giving you out of My Infinite Generosity, are ignored and suppressed; these peoples deny and reject all the gifts of My Spirit; many go around keeping the outward appearance of religion but are rejecting the inner power of My Church, the inner power which is My Holy Spirit; they say: “I have kept My faith, all there is to come now is the trophy of My righteousness;” I ask you: have you done everything you can to present yourself in front of Me? I have been trying to awaken you and tell you that you are like a dried-up river, and that all you say is hollow; and while the sinner is being converted by My Holy Spirit, no sooner does he enter My House, no sooner does he discover the Treasures of My Heart reserved for all of you, than you come upon him like a gale to tempt him back into godlessness; he who has just escaped from rebellion, you tempt him back to rebel; in the Day of Judgement I shall tell you: you have not believed Me, but made Me out to be a liar, because you have not trusted the testimony I have given you about the Advocate, the Reminder of My Word, yes, My Holy Spirit of Truth, this very One you never ceased to ignore and persecute, never ceased to deny and suppress; instead of joining the saints who acclaim and praise with blessings and shouts of joy My Holy Spirit you hound them and persecute them unceasingly, clinging to your illusion of piety; you are provoking Me with your constant denials ... 1 1 Jn. 5:8. how can I then not let the stones manifest My grief? you prohibit My firstfruits to acclaim My Holy Spirit, this is why I tell you: if these keep silence the stones will cry out2 My grief; 3 what I once said to Jerusalem I tell it to you now with sorrow: “if you in your turn had only understood the Splendour of My Message of Peace! but, alas, it is hidden from your eyes!” if you in your turn had only grasped the Splendour of My Holy Spirit, bestowing blessing upon blessing on all of you ... but, alas, you neither see nor hear the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father sends in My Name, teaching you and reminding you of all the truths I have given you, because the prince of this world is using your freedom for your own downfall; Lord, show Your Mercy to these too, and like You made me hear You, let them hear too; and like You showed Your Beauty to me, leaving me dazzled, show them Your Perfection too. they are not listening, they are listening only to their voice, even while My Tears flow before them there is no reply; I have gone in all directions to find a way of breaking through their deafness and tell them to come to Me and base their strength on Me, so that I in My turn lead them to holiness and allow them to inherit My Light; I am the Holy One they are so wickedly betraying and I am the first to forgive them, had they one moment of regret ... but as long as they maintain their stand of self-sufficiency they shall not hear Me nor will they be able to see how today I am revealing entirely and as never before My Holy Face to all the 2Lk. 19:39. 3 Divine manifestations of images and statues of Jesus and Mary shedding tears.