True Life in God Messages

Notebook 52 True Life in God 529 the only Truth that leads you to share My Glory for Eternity; Temple of God! daughter of Mine, walk with Me;  June 12, 1991 Lord, You pursue my persecutors and overtake them and they cannot touch me; foreigners1 come wooing my favour but yet when I go to my own, 2 like poverty at their elbow, like a beggar in want, to tell them of Your Wonders, it seems like their ears are sealed, so that they would not hear Your New Hymn of Love. Am I to tread the winepress alone and have not one of the men of my people with me? is My Own Arm not enough for you? Are My Own Eyes that watch over you day and night not sufficient for you? daughter, soon, I shall show My Holy Face to them, I will inundate your country3with My Spirit, and Rivers shall flow over, pour out; I shall not hide My Face from them ... hope My Vassula, hope ... your King will abandon no one; He shall come with healing ointment in His Hand and cure you one by one; rejoice, My daughter, rejoice; I shall unseal their ears for My Glory; come, the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed to you, pray that they may be revealed to them too;  1The Roman Catholics. 2The Orthodox. 3Greece. June 13, 1991 (Message of Our Holy Mother.) Vassula? will you write down My Words to assuage this desert? Yes Holy Mother, Mother of God. write My daughter; blessed of My Soul, beloved of My Heart, today I ask each one of you to apply your heart to walk with God; God is your Strength, your Life and your Happiness; no man can live without God; Jesus is the True Vine and you the branches; a branch cut off from the Vine, dries and withers immediately; it is then of no use but to be thrown on the fire; walk with the Light and do not be afraid in abandoning yourselves entirely to Him; give yourselves to God and your hearts shall be filled with Joy; understand, beloved children, that God in these days is coming to save you and untangle you from Satan’s nets and bring you back to His Sacred Heart; Our Two Hearts are united in spite of the arguments and the denials of the world for this Truth, for they have not all accepted this Truth but use this Truth instead to combat one another; Our Two Hearts are united and thirst together for your salvation, children; come and hear Us this time: make Peace with God, be reconciled; lift your face to God and ask Him to fill your heart with His Light; learn to love God as your Father, He who loves you more than anyone can imagine and without cease sends you from His Heart His flowing Peace, like a River, to assuage the interior desert of your soul; do not live out of words only, act and live every word given to you in the Gospels; do not be dead at the letter of the Law, live it; do not be afraid if