True Life in God Messages

Notebook 52 True Life in God 527 and wherever this healing Water flows, EVERYONE, sick, lame, blind, will be healed; even the dead shall come back to life again; no one will be able to stop Me from purifying you; ah! beloved ones, from rebels I shall raise levitical priests; from dishonouring Me I shall turn you into pearls, radiant cities of light to honour Me; and I shall live in you, because you shall be vested in My Own Holiness; I, the Lord, will be in the land of the living, and those who stifle My Holy Spirit and see everything as nonsense, I tell you: I have things that go beyond your minds; I shall demonstrate the power of My Spirit and make your lips open and your heart cry out to Me: Abba! Love shall perfect you; Wisdom shall teach you to acknowledge My Holy Spirit, and I shall make you join the saints too; I bless each one of you, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; be one under My Holy Name,  and you, who are My chosen instrument to bring My Love before pagans and rebels, continue your journey with Me; allow Me to call you when I wish; I Am is with you and loves you; come; June 6, 1991 When my spirit becomes cold and I fall in a kind of lethargy, Lord, and when I become so ill disposed to dialogue with You and meet You in this special way, do I, like a leaf, wither and dry slowly before Your very Eyes? I have been waiting for you ... I had been speaking to you, soul, but all I heard from you was, silence ... give Me your attention, soul, I have so much to say to you and arouse your interest; lethargy? then cry out to Me! I shall breathe on you and the ice will melt; Lord, there are times when the Light You have given me seems to vanish behind obscure smoke. child, your voice can carry as far as Heaven and all the way to My Throne, so cry out to Me and like a flash in the clouds I shall answer: “here We1 are, We shall hear your petition;” Then come now and rescue me, fill my lamp with oil, breathe on me to revive me, imbue me with Your fragrance of myrrh, perfect me in Your Presence, show Your kindness on me ... do not withhold your question; speak, child! 2 What You do to me with so much Love, Faithfulness and Mercy, will You not do it to everyone of Your children, who are in the same need as I am? be blessed! 3 I God shall come and rescue each one of you; I shall not allow My Church4 to pine away; generation, I mean to save you ... but not by menace or disaster, anger or blame; I mean to save you, generation, by enveloping My Love and Mercy around you to cover your nakedness; I am sending you My Holy Spirit lavishly upon you so that 1The Holy Trinity. 2 Jesus seemed eager to hear the rest of my sentence, which I knew He already knew. 3Jesus seemed very happy. 4We are the Church.