True Life in God Messages

526 True Life in God Notebook 52 abomination1 inside you and abolishing My Perpetual Sacrifice2 from within you3 to erect in its place a worthless imitation, 4 an image of mortal man, which is an abomination in My Holiness; 5 you are My Holy City, 6 and you, you who allowed My Holy Spirit to flow in you like a River, 7 you are My New Jerusalem, 8 the First-Fruits, 9 those very ones who had constancy and faith; 10 and like dew coming from My Mouth, like raindrops on the grass, you shall put Hope in many arid hearts, because all the radiant Glory of My Heart shall reflect in you, making you glitter like some precious jewel of crystal clear diamond; 11 I tell you solemnly, many of you who are not born of the Spirit shall receive from above by My Grace the Spirit of Truth; the Spirit of Truth shall descend in all His radiant Glory out of Heaven and make His Home in you; My Holy Spirit shall wed you to become His bride, 12 embellishing you by His Holiness, and suddenly the Heavenly things will become visible in your hearts, and My Kingdom unseen yet to the heart shall become visible and crystal clear in all its Glory; beloved of My Soul, Citadels, blessed are you that will be found blameless; 13 1 Sects like New Age etc;.. Materialism, rationalism that lead to atheism. 2 Once these people fall into these sects, or into atheism, they also stop receiving the Perpetual Sacrifice which is the Holy Eucharist. Dn. 11:31. 3Read Dn. 11:31-39 and Rv. 13:14-18 and Rv. 21:1-27. 4Sects: aping the Word of God. 5Jesus was weeping. 6Jesus said this very majestically. Rv. 21:2. 7Read Ezk. 47:1-12. Rv. 22:1-2. 8Rv. 21:2. 9Rv. 14:4. 10Rv. 13:10. 11Rv. 21:11. 12Rv. 21:2, 9. 13Allusion to Mt. 5:19-20. 14 (this is My way of teaching you heavenly things; it is not without labour, My child, but be reassured, all that I have to say shall be written and read; this is Wisdom teaching you, My Vassula; I love you and My love for you is everlasting;) 15I shall let everyone marvel at My firstfruits, and little by little the old world will vanish16 and wear out like garment; 17 only a little while now and all that had been covered shall be uncovered and all that had been hidden shall be unveiled in front of your very eyes; My New Jerusalems! you, who are the first-fruits of My Love, you whom My Holy Spirit seduced by My New Hymn of Love, you whom I wed, go out to the nations and sing to them My New Hymn of Love; 18work for Peace, sow the seeds I have given you, be like trees growing by the banks of the River of Life, 19 let your leaves be a medicinal20 balm for the wretched and let your branches bear fruit in holiness; be My breach-menders, 21 restorers of My ruined sanctuaries; give to those who fell into Satan's impious nets and were fed portions of Rationalism and Naturalism, and My healing Water from My Breast, this stream that flows out of My Sanctuary, 22 will fill you and make you wholesome; no man shall be able to arrest this rivulet; the stream will keep on flowing profusely out of My Heart; it shall flow everywhere, breaking into several parts, separating into other and several rivulets going into all directions, 14Jesus speaks to me now. 15Continuation of message. 16Rv. 21:4. 17Heb. 1:11. 18Rv. 14:3. 19Rv. 22:1. 20Rv. 22:2, Ezk. 47:12. 21 Is. 58:12. 22Christ’s Body (Heart): Ezk. 47:12.