True Life in God Messages

Notebook 51 True Life in God 525 June 2, 1991 (Here Jesus deciphers Rv. 21, part of Rv. 22, and Dn. 11:31-39.) My Lord? I Am; peace be with you; soon, very soon now I shall strip off your old behaviour, and your old self, creation, to vest you with My Divinity1 and remind you of the True Knowledge, so listen, My beloved ones, to My Holy Spirit; allow Me to prepare you all so that you may be ready to receive My Kingdom; I, the Lord, invite everyone to share with Me and see My Glory; My Heart is sick with love for your generation ... alas! for those who would still be carrying their sin, coiled inside them as with child, when My Day comes! 2pray that everyone may be ready when that day comes; ail for your brothers who still live in darkness and have flung My Glory for a worthless imitation, this very one that the prophet Daniel speaks of; 3 I shall speak to you in plain words considering the state of your soul and your lack of Knowledge; I do not come by force upon you with My Holy Spirit to violate your liberty, nor do I come to condemn you; I come to you out of Mercy to give you freely the fullest Knowledge of My Will; through My Perfect Wisdom I come to augment in you the Knowledge I Myself have given you; I do not come to add new things into that which has been given you already, but I come to place My Kingdom in the middle of your hearts; 1Allusion to: New Heavens and New Earth (Rv. 21:1). 2Allusion to: Mt. 24:19. 3 To the unbelievers who do not believe anymore in the Perpetual Sacrifice: Holy Communion. The Resurrection. Citadels! 4 have you not yet understood? have you not yet understood that I, the Lord, live in you? have you not understood that you are My sanctuaries? when I speak to you about heavenly things are you ready to receive them? listen: Scripture says: “zeal for Your House will devour Me;” indeed, today again My zeal has reached its zenith, and from above Fire shall come down and devour My sanctuaries, 5 I shall transform you, Citadels, 6 into a state of Grace in which you will no longer apprehend to desire My Glory nor fear to admit My Divinity; 7 the Plunderer8 infiltrated like smoke in you, you who are the sanctuary of My Holy Spirit, the sanctuary citadel of My Divinity; Satan’s smoke penetrated through hinges and holes, invading you in your sleep, because you had not acknowledged Me in My Divinity but rather followed your own irrational ideas; I tell you this: I shall fill your darkness with My Light because I intend to wed you, generation, with My Holy Spirit; 9 it has been said that by force the Rebel will feed you one day a portion of Rationalism and the other day a portion of Naturalism with the intention to abolish and extinguish the little light that is left in you, you who are My temple; the Invader10 has invaded many of My Citadels, 11 forcing his disastrous 4We are God’s house, a citadel for God. God called out to us, calling us ‘Citadels’. Look at: Dn. 11:31-39. 5Us. 6That is: us. 7 Here God means that the unconverted and the unbelievers who refuse the Holy Eucharist and deny the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, God shall change with Grace. 8Satan. 9Rv. 21:2. Rv. 21:9-11. 10Satan. 11Us. Allusion to: Dn. 11:31 – “Forces of his will come and profane the sanctuary citadel.”