True Life in God Messages

Notebook 51 True Life in God 523 what you have taken as shadows before shall prove their reality; the Reign of God’s Kingdom on earth is very near you now; I implore you therefore to be ready for this Day; if you say you have died to yourselves and the principles of this world, prohibit then your hearts from fluttering into the world; live for God and place Him as first; have no more to do with quarrels, disputes and accusations, do not allow your lips to condemn you, fear the Lord and Wisdom shall soon come upon you like dawn, the Lord seeks and desires an undivided heart; I had asked you and am asking you again to pray, pray, pray with your heart; a simple conversation with your Father who is in Heaven, because if I request from you today to offer God an undivided heart, it is to teach you to keep faithful to the principles I have been teaching you; what is valuable to God is the heart which honours Him by keeping itself exempt from all temptations that lead to sin; if you have disciplined your bodies by fasting, I request from you to discipline also your lips to pronounce only prayers and praises to the Lord; do not allow your lips to condemn you; set your heart, your mind, your eyes and your lips on Jesus and be whole and undivided; I invite you, dear children, to put all these things into practice, nevertheless without leaving the other values of the Law undone; and remember that the Heart of the Law is Love; I bless you all; May 18, 1991 (For Toulouse.) Jesus? I Am; be in peace, little one, there will be more than one that I shall bring back to Me; I have indeed called you here1 because this is where they need Me; I love you to passion, always remember this; I draw to Life, I do not repel anyone, sinner or unjust; all of you are My children; My Message is a Message of Love, a call to your real foundations, a reminder of My Word and of My Existence; do not fear Me, fear only the one who pretends he does not exist and draws you ever so maliciously to Death; I am the Light; come, tell them that this Message is not given to them to draw sensation but to make them realise the urgency, the graveness and the importance of My Call; the urgency of their conversion; the graveness of the condition of their soul; the importance to change their life and live holy; the importance of My Messages which are spiritual food, a nourishing supplement to their spirituality, a medicinal ointment to their wounds inflicted on them in this darkness by the evil one; I want My children to listen very carefully to all that I have to say: let My Spirit of Truth guide you back to the Truth; let My Spirit of Knowledge remind you of the One and Only True Knowledge I Myself have given you; I, your Lord and Saviour, bless each one of you;  May 23, 1991 Yahweh, my God, You are lavishing Your scents on me, praised be my Yahweh. You are mine and I am Yours. 1 Jesus wanted me to go to Toulouse instead of Montpelier.