True Life in God Messages

522 True Life in God Notebook 51 I am bound to You out of love, Lord; am I not Your Property? So use me fully and as You please, My Lord; for this is my delight. Come Holy Spirit and invade me. City! 1 whom I came to visit to proclaim My Love through you to all of you, and to heal your sick inhabitants, I shall not let you perish in guilt nor will I wait to see you decay; I shall triumph over you; I am your King, I am the Perfect One, hear Me, and I intend to model you Generation into a reflection of My Divinity; the sinner’s brood I shall consume by a roaring Fire, your Generation will have her wedding with My Holy Spirit, 2 and I shall with My consuming Fire change the surface of this earth into a divine, prosperous and new Earth, and the world of today will be gone; I shall turn you all with My consuming Flame as pure as gold and transparent as glass, 3 because your hearts will be Mine and in Mine; I and My Father will be your Abode4 and you too will be Our abode; I intend to give you back your divinity, creation, so that My radiant glory will be like a lighted torch5 inside you; then like a sentinel guarding a gate I shall guard you too, from anything unclean which may want to come inside you; 6 I shall make out of each one of you a radiant city, I shall renew you entirely for this is the way I shall have you ready to wed My Holy Spirit; – My Holy Spirit will make His Home in you, 1God suddenly and unexpectedly changed tone and His Voice with great force cried out to me calling me “City”. 2Rv. 21:2. 3Rv. 21:21. 4 Alluding to – God Almighty and the Lamb were themselves the temple: Rv. 21:22. (Inside us, the “city”.) 5Rv. 21:23. 6Rv. 21:27. transfiguring you to become His Holy City, 7His Domain and His Property; the world of the present shall be gone and My Will on earth shall be done as it is in Heaven; Love shall descend as love and I, the unseen God, will become visible inside your heart; the hour is coming when you shall no longer grope your way in the dark, since your heart will be lit by My radiant glory; 8My glory will become visible in your hearts; come, My child, hear My Mother now, remain near Me, we, us? Yes, my Lord. I am seduced by You, seduce others too ... intercede for them and I shall come and seek out and save what was lost, 9 read Isaiah 41:17-20 ; Love loves you;  (Later:) (Our Holy Mother’s Message for prayer groups.) children, I am calling each one of you today to examine your hearts; let your tolerance be your witness; I implore you to re-examine your hearts; God’s Message to you all is the proof of His Fidelity; God does not demonstrate Himself to judge you, God demonstrates Himself to show His Fidelity in your lack of fidelity; God is seeking your reconciliation; He is coming to take you out of the Power of Darkness and show His Reign on earth; the unseen God will become visible in His Glory in your hearts; and the Heavenly things will become visible in your hearts and the pale reflections of 7Read Rv. 21:1-3. 8Rv. 21:24. 9Lk. 19:10.