True Life in God Messages

520 True Life in God Notebook 51 shall reveal to you, My friend, the rich glory of Hope, Wisdom and Knowledge; be rooted in Me and you shall bear fruit; remain in Me and you shall live; I have told you, My friend, all this so that when trials come, you may not falter; Love is by your side, Love Me; May 3, 1991 Lord, drench me with Your Holy Spirit; come and invade me with Your Holy Spirit, so that the enemy finds no space within me, let Your Holy Spirit subside in the very depths of my soul to water it and load it with riches, these of which are not of the world. Blessed be God. I Am is with you; have My Peace; I went down into your room and befriended you; I was then a stranger to you, but see? My Teachings lifted you in My Heart and today I have turned your aridity into a fertile soil; My dove, I delight in you, My little one, I live in you; My head-rest I repose in you; glorify Me now and restore My House; glorify your Father who is in Heaven by treating Him as a King; ah, My daughter, My Mouth is dry for lack of love, I thirst for lack of love; dress My Wounds with your love, pluck My thorns and console Me, praise Me all the time from your heart, speak to Me and do not wait until tomorrow, delight Me and stay small; allow Me, My Vassula, to use your little hand, offer Me your time and I shall saturate you with My Fountain, and the Treasures I shall give you can never be assessed, no man can fathom their magnificence; I, the Lord, shall make Myself a Throne in you to govern you; and I shall allow Myself, since you have given Me your consent, to follow the passions of My Heart, I am in My Domain and I have full authority over you now; praise Me often and bless Me; Love is with you;  May 6, 1991 Lord, my God, who could bring us salvation, but You? who could bring us back home, but You? who could bring us happiness but You? Then: Maranatha! daughter, the dead cannot praise Me, this is why I shall descend with full force upon you and raise you all to remind you of My greatness, My splendour and My sovereignty; come, write, My Vassula: peace be with you; My sons and daughters, I have counted My sheep and My Heart is crushed with sorrow, only a remnant are left today who have not been raided by Apostasy; only a handful have not lost their faith; only a few are left who survived the perils of Rationalism, and I, from above, have strained My Eyes waiting for you to offer Me your heart and your abandonment, but this generation’s heart is gross with foolishness; yet, even if you have not observed My Law of Love but have turned away your hearts and made your own law and statutes, I shall not stand by and see you stray more and more from My Commandments; I mean to rescue you, generation, I mean to school you back to your senses and guide you with great love back into the path of Righteousness; I shall teach you to invoke My Name, I shall teach you to walk in My Presence, I shall teach you to live a life of prayer, My