True Life in God Messages

518 True Life in God Notebook 51 you, you were one of My persecutors who pulled down while I used to build; Mercy is at your doors now and My Compassion knocks on your doors in your times of tribulations; you say yourselves holy? prove yourselves holy by showing Me your adoration to Me; prove yourselves holy by showing Me the souls you are converting and bringing to Me, for My Kingdom consists not in spoken words, nor of an outward appearance of religion, but an Inner Power that only I can give you through My Holy Spirit, if you seek it; feel My Presence and My Love I have for each one of you; I, Jesus Christ, am present and bless you all out of the depths of My Sacred Heart, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; be one; ecclesia shall revive;  April 20, 1991 Lord, I thank You for making me Your Property and Your bride, teach those who do not understand that You do allow Your persecutors to attack me, because You can also be glorified in this way too. And You made it very clear that You will never allow them to hurt or touch my soul. Make them understand the difference, for a difference there is. flower, My Cup tastes bitter, but do you still want to share It with Me? I want to share Your Cup with You. yes, prove your love for Me by offering your will; be eager to glorify Me, your God, by embracing My Cross; you have become My Property in which I draw My delights out of you; you have entrusted your life into My Hands; daughter, listen: stay weak for in your weakness I can do great things; be nothing, for in your nothingness I can be Everything; stay silent and in this silence I shall find My repose; stay pliant so that I may shape you into a copy of My crucifix; stay limited, so that My Power will be seen in you; become a model of Myself by being docile, patient, pure, obedient, humble, faithful and in constant prayer, like I was with the Father; never sleep; never cut the bonds you have with the Father; My life on earth was an incessant prayer with the Father, at favourable and unfavourable times; listen to the Father and do His Will, your food is given by Me, your Redeemer, all that you eat comes from Me to teach you to live the only True Life in Me your God; I tell you truly, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell; 1 remain in Me and I in you; I shall allow your mortal nature to be put to the test, so that you grow in your trials, but your soul shall not be touched; flesh and blood cannot inherit My Kingdom, so do not fear, through your trials I am glorified too; abandoned you shall never be;  April 23, 1991 (St George’s Day) (For Canada) I come in your country to leave you a sign of My Great Love; I come, I your King, like a beggar in rags and barefoot, 1Mt. 10:28.