True Life in God Messages

Notebook 51 True Life in God 515 My creation; daughter, I am known to help the poor and the wretched ... come now and caress Me again with your gentle words that come out from your heart, repeat them to Me, Lord Jesus, use me to dry Your Tears, Lord Jesus, use me to wipe Your Tears, Sacred Heart, use me to console Your Heart, Sacred Heart, use me to pluck the thorns encircling Your Head and Your Heart, Lord Jesus, use me as Your Head-rest, Sweet and Gentle Jesus, use me in every way to please You and console You; My desire is to bring to Your Lips a smile. then I shall use you if you offer Me your will too, I offer You, Jesus, my will, my heart, my soul, my spirit, my body, everything. Love then shall do His Will in you, and My Peace shall reign in your heart and My Image shall reflect in your soul, and your spirit shall worship Me in accordance with My Spirit, and your body will reject all that is not holy since I shall transfigure it and perfect it into My Glorious Body, to become an altar for Me, your God; you shall share My sufferings but also My joy; I shall continue teaching you so that you will bear witness not only to a crucified Christ but also to a resurrected and victorious Christ; I shall remind everyone that wonders, miracles and signs are also part of Me; come, then; (Later:) Love loves you, love Me; without trials you will not grow; My affection for you is manifest, this is why Satan hates you all the more; even if you feel you are under a constant threat from My enemy, I am near you to support you; realise that I have made you to be a threat to him; anyone who snatches souls from him is a threat to him, this is one of the reasons why he never loses any occasion to aim at you; very often he uses people for his purpose, out of nothing at all he can produce an act of accusation to utterly ruin the one he wants to strike; but this is not all; one of his most malicious acts is to suggest in the sleeping soul all sorts of ideas that lead the soul into an agitation and a total unrest, wrenching out all peace within that soul; this is why you must stay awake, do not let him find you sleeping; April 14, 1991 “Blessed be Yahweh, who performs marvels of love for me.” 1 peace be with you; now, tell Me, pupil: are you happy to have Me as your Spiritual Director? Yes Lord, more than happy. I am learning many things directly from Your Mouth, and others too! would you like to write? I am ready to serve You, my God, make me ready and open my ear to hear only Your Voice; 1Ps. 31:21.