True Life in God Messages

514 True Life in God Notebook 51 April 13, 1991 Lord, our division, and I am now only talking the division between Orthodox and Catholics, is a real scandal! How is it possible that we, Christians, continue to be divided and not only a temporary division but a division that lasts, with deep roots, founded on conflicts that are so absurd! Each one being a rival to the other and some of us still holding anger and hatred, how is it possible to speak with integrity when an old quarrel is still unresolved in our hearts? Can we really face You and say that we are reconciled with our brothers and we can come to You with good conscience to offer You our offerings on Your altar? No, we cannot as long as we live under Your Holy Name and are not reconciled we cannot claim to come to You with a clear conscience. Yet, we all know that Your greatest wish, dear Christ, is UNITY and yet we hold firmly on the barriers that separate us and we do not seem honest enough to say: “We are not inclined to bend since it is we who hold the real Faith and the Truth.” Have we not understood how much more Beautiful Your Bride would look if we unite? How much more Powerful the Church can become? How much more progress She can make? How many more Fruits She could produce? Now She’s like stagnant. Can we honestly say She’s progressing and earning souls in Her when we see daily in front of our eyes, soul after soul leaving Your Bride for a second-rate philosophy, yes, esoteric sects, like New Age, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others. Yet these people, I feel, are in search of You, so help them to find You ... ah, My dove, I have not been teaching you in vain ... they have not yet understood that I need their heart to unite them; I need their heart to rebuild inside it My Church into One; unity will be by the heart; look, I have commissioned you to bear witness to a people not your own, but many of your own have not yet understood why Wisdom sent you to foreigners, your people believe that you have been yielding to foreigners, they have not realised that it is I, the Lord, who united your heart to theirs; double indeed is your cross on you, My child, since you are whirled away too by some of the foreigners who challenge you without cease to become one of them; by remaining as you are I am teaching to both of them a lesson of how you should unite and what unity will be like; unity is not to differentiate yourselves under My Holy Name, unity is to share Holy Communion and believe in My real Presence in the Holy Eucharist; unity, My child, is to give to each other your riches; “Lord, teach us, when we judge, to reflect on Your kindness and when we are judged to look for mercy,” 1 ah, My child, your race is not finished yet, but remember, in front of you I am, and at your side your Mother, to encourage you, and at your heels your guardian angel, to protect you; hear Me, among brothers the leader of them deserves honour, so honour My Peter; this is only a reminder of the Most High; Now I know that I shall never be deserted; You have directed my soul towards You; I have stretched out my hands to Heaven and You have lifted me; my soul rejoices in You, oh that You do to my brothers too what You have done to me! not only will I lift into My Heart your brothers, daughter, but even people who do not know Me I will lift into My Heart; hence Mercy and Grace shall come even to the heathens; for they too are part of 1Ws. 12:22.