True Life in God Messages

Notebook 50 True Life in God 513 where Your Holy Spirit will make His Home in us; most Tender Father, as You glorified Your Son and Your Son glorified You, let Your Holy Spirit of Truth glorify again Your Son; “in a short time, Father, according to Scriptures, the first heaven and the first earth shall disappear soon, to prove to the world that Your Word is something Alive and Active and that Jesus has indeed conquered the world; when that day comes, Your Son’s prayer to You will be also fulfilled, for we shall all be one in You as the Holy Trinity is One and the same; we shall not differentiate ourselves under Your Name anymore; “Praised be the Lord and Glory to the Highest for sending us, in our great apostasy Our Holy Mother, whose Heart You Yourself united in Love with Jesus and who suffered Together; and it is Together again, that the Two Sacred Hearts will renew us and bring us back to Life and in You; “lost sheep will be found, wandering lambs shall be reminded of their true fold and their True Shepherd, this Shepherd who neither deserts His flock nor abandons the lost, but heals the wounded and supports the weary; “Praised be the Lord in whose Holy Spirit we receive baptism, indeed, Fountains of Living Water flow out and are given to the man who is thirsty, since they flow out freely from Your Holy Sanctuary, 1 this Sanctuary which You raised in three days, and from Your fullness we are receiving in these last days the Graces of Your Holy Spirit to revive us, for this is Your Manna from Heaven, the Spiritual Food coming from the Spirit; “let Your people, Father, realise that the ban soon will be lifted and that the Lamb’s and Your Throne will soon be in Its place and among us; prepare us, therefore, Righteous Father, for this Glorious Day, when we can praise You and glorify You all around One Holy Tabernacle; “Father, I thank You for hearing my prayer and for having given me Your Words to indicate to the world the Riches of Your Sacred Heart, amen;” come now, daughter, come now, little friend, do not stop loving Me; words of encouragement you will always hear from Me; so be confident and trust Me; 1Jesus’ Chest (Body).