True Life in God Messages

512 True Life in God Notebook 50 My daughter, love Me as I love you, love one another as I love you; be blessed, come; April 8, 1991 My Lord? I Am; little one, peace be with you, love Me and cling to Me, for you have not seen the last of Me; 1 I’m pleased and relieved! I shall not allow your strength to crumble, I shall give you My Food as I always did; flower, My Message this time is a prayer for all nations, a prayer for unity, come, write: “Praised be the Lord, for the Celestial Food2 you are giving us, and this is to fulfil Scriptures and to complete Your Work, You have given Your Knowledge to mere children and not to the learned, for this is what pleases You, Lord; “Praised be the Lord, to have laid open roads so that Your people walk in them and come to You and fill Your House, for though You have sent Your Son into the world and the world plainly saw the Light, they have not all accepted the Light but turned instead towards darkness, falling in apostasy; the world has apostatised because they have refused the Truth and preferred to live under a Lie; 1 Jesus means in this way, interiorly, and hearing Him in locutions. 2Spiritual food. “yes, Lord, You so much love the world that You are today, in spite of our wickedness, sending us without reserve Your Holy Spirit to enliven us and revive the world renewing every creature, so that everyone sees Your Glory and believes and thus be converted; “Praised be the Lord, for opening the doors to Heaven to pour out from Your Reserves this Hidden Manna3 reserved for our Times; no, it was not Moses who gave bread from Heaven, it was You, Father, who fed the True Bread, and as Your Son, Jesus Christ, is the Bread of Life, the Holy Spirit too nourishes us, for all Bread that descends from Heaven is Life; “it is written in Scriptures: they will all be taught by God, 4 and flesh and bone cannot reveal the Truth unless the Truth is given by the very One who established the Truth and imprinted It into our hearts; “Father, may Your Name be praised always and glorified again; let the world pass from Darkness to Light, from Lie to the complete Truth, from Lethargy to Fervour; “Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the hour has come to show us the New Heavens and the New Earth 3Rv. 2:17. 4 Is. 54:13.