True Life in God Messages

510 True Life in God Notebook 50 March 24, 1991 Let every creature do Your Will, my Lord. daughter, the thing I want most out of you is love; I want you to love Me, love Me, love Me; praise Me and feel My Presence; this is what I request of you My Vassula; Lord, teach us to love You as You want. Teach us to love one another. We need Your help because we cannot love by ourselves unless You give us the grace to love. I shall teach you by Grace, 1 I shall teach you as I am teaching you the Knowledge of your fathers; I shall supply you all with what you need most: spiritual food; I shall infuse in you all, love and holiness; I shall not delay My Promise, soon all that I have been telling you is going to happen and he2 who crushed you all these years will lose his grip; I will sow love everywhere! there will be no more stumbling in the night; come daughter, we, us? Yes, my Lord. so love Me, do not fear Me; love Me, do not neglect Me; love Me, do not forget Me; this is all I ask from you, soul;  March 25, 1991 Lord, this week is the Holy Easter week for the Roman Catholics and next week is the Holy Easter week for the Orthodox. I feel it is not right to have different dates and to be differentiating ourselves in You to the point that one hears remarks as: their Jesus is not our Jesus! 1Jesus smiled showing His dimples. 2Satan. I love you all the same, but many of you do not seem to understand this; wretched you are all, sinners you are all, frail you are all, but all of you are My offspring; see Vassula? have I made any difference? I have come to you and showed you My Sacred Heart; 3 I went in all directions seeking by what means I could make you Mine, I showered blessing upon blessing on you to raise you from death and form you since you lacked Wisdom, I courted you and in My Tenderness I Myself have chosen you to become a witness to a people not your own and of whom many are far from understanding why Wisdom has chosen a foreigner among them; I, the Sacred Heart, am determined to show them that I have taken you, a foreigner, to them, to share the Riches of My Sacred Heart and share Its delights and sorrows; yes, I have come to teach foreigners too of My Sacred Heart’s Riches, today I have made a new song for them for I am one and the same! so pupil, continue not to differentiate yourself under My Name, even if you are whirled away by the breath of My enemies I shall not leave you defenceless; I shall always come to your rescue, My child; if they challenge4 you do not respond, I shall respond in your place; Scripture says: God does not have favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to Him; 5 but men have divided themselves, they have segregated themselves under My Holiness; but wait and you shall see; My Holy Spirit (to the great astonishment of many) shall be poured on the pagans 3 Jesus means that He has come to a Greek Orthodox and not to a Catholic and speaks to me in Catholic terminology. 4From laity to priests and bishops (Roman Catholic). Some say I should change to prove myself as authentic by becoming a Roman Catholic. 5Ac. 10:35.