True Life in God Messages

506 True Life in God Notebook 50 leave My Cross on you; I Am He Who bore It till the end; honour Me and glorify Me by bearing My Cross now and then to rest Me, come;  March 8, 1991 daughter, be in peace, I am Love; little one, I am with you to help you sanctify your life; I speak to every soul through these Messages and through you; I have fed you My Bread, I have fostered you and made you Mine; have I, in all this time, ever been harsh with you? have I been punishing you? so, never doubt of My Love; lean your head on Me and rest, rest your mind on Me, think of no one else but Me; I am He who loves you most; all I ask from you is Love: love Me, adore Me, think of Me; allow Me to be ever present in your heart and mind; I awakened you from your sleep so that you see My Beauty and that you live with Me; every drop of My Blood made you Mine; I paid for your soul by pouring out My Precious Blood for your salvation; every agony I suffered was with Love, knowing that My Sacrifice would save you; everything I did was for your salvation; My daughter, let all this be clear to you; I am Love and Love continues to save; I have not stopped just there (on My Cross), I continue to call for your salvation; I continue to pursue the sinner; be prepared, therefore, because I shall soon come to fetch you; I, the Lord, love all of you to distraction; love Me, praise Me and be holy; feel Me so that you may remember My Presence; come; March 9, 1991 (Scotland) (I’ve been discussing with Fr. McGinnity which prayer is the most pleasing to the Lord. We were saying that silence in contemplation was best.) Lord? I Am; lean on Me, I am your support and strength; yes, indeed, My Vassula, Silence is the most efficacious prayer of all; meet Me in My Silence; let your spirit be drawn towards Me and be absorbed in Me, in My Silence; allow Me to invade you, My child; allow Me to envelop your soul in My Love; open up to Me and let your God invade His Property; I Am owns this Property; let I Am free to increase; let I Am multiply His Virtues in you; do not fear Me, My child, when I decrease you; I Am is here to look after His Property and shine in you; allow Me, soul, to encircle you with My Tenderness; you will be overwhelmed by My Beauty, do not look at your nakedness, soul, and refuse Me; come to Me in Silence and as you are; abandon yourself to Me in Silence and you shall live; be blessed, be blessed, soul; let nothing become My rival; Lord, let nothing become or be Your rival! fast then on Fridays, this is your due now to Me come; (I had stopped fasting on Fridays because of my schedules and travelling. I realised that in spite of my travelling I could easily fast but I had wanted it more “easy” on me, by pure laziness and weakness ...)