True Life in God Messages

504 True Life in God Notebook 50 daughter, understand what My Interests are, understand what My concern is; even when Lazarus had departed for four days into My mysteries and had seen and understood these mysteries, I had requested him on his return to keep silent and keep those secrets for himself; I did not want him to give away My Riches to souls who would not make sense out of them; wealth is to be converted; wealth is to admit you are a sinner and come to Me humbly, repenting, and lead a holy life following My Precepts; wealth is not to try and decipher My mysteries, and if you try, this will only lead you through winding ways leading nowhere; so come to Me as a child and allow My Hand to cultivate and enrich you in this kind of Knowledge; let your wealth be Me, let your Knowledge come through My Word; let your interests be My Interests: your perfection; I love you, come; do not be impatient in prayer; Love is near you; We, us, Lord? flower, yes! February 28, 1991 Lord, You have been our Refuge, age after age. 1 Lord? I Am; lean on Me, beloved; rest in Me, absorb Me; I am All you need; – come, we shall pray the Rosary; 1Ps. 90:1. March 1, 1991 (London) (Before the conference and prayer meeting with one day.) O Yahweh, You are my God, blessed be Your Name; You have carried out Your Plan and brought me here, in this land to witness and give You Glory. Open my mouth in Your Assembly to only glorify You. I shall; I the Lord bless you; listen to Me: prophesy to them, rely on My massive Strength, every achievement comes from Me and not from you; – I set fire and water before every soul and I let them choose; I shall never violate man’s liberty, never ... I allow man to choose and I want them to know how I delight when they choose what is right; nevertheless, I shall always pursue the sinner to give up sinning; I shall always go in all directions to conquer him; and every time he falls I shall be there to lift him; I shall not push him away or reprove him; his enemies might rejoice, but I, I will only have tears in My Eyes and I will ask him to thrust himself into My Arms; and if he does I will then ask him if he would allow Me to inhabit him; if he accepts I shall then make out of his soul My Possession and in this Territory I shall pitch My Tent (in him) and from thereon I shall encircle My Property with My Love to make sure that no intruders will trespass into what I have just made Mine and forever; happy the man who keeps house with Me, he shall gain Knowledge and enter into everlasting Life;