True Life in God Messages

Notebook 50 True Life in God 503 February 24, 1991 (Before my journey to England, Scotland and Ireland.) My Vassula, take this passage as an introduction for each of these countries; (Jesus showed me Jn. 10:14-16.) tell them that it is I, the Lord, who sends you to them; the sheep that belong to Me will listen to My Voice; I am coming to them to lead many on what was an unknown Path to them back to the Truth; I am coming with a blazing Fire of Love to guide you, beloved ones, back Home; My Sacred Heart is your resting Place; for you creation ... o what will I not do! I am your Holy One, but your era has re-crucified Me; I am He who loves you most, yet the One who receives unmerciful lashes from the apathy of this era; I am the Light of the world, who comes in this dark era to give you the Light of Life; have My Peace, My little children, I offer you My Peace; I offer you the gift of My Love; come to Me as you are, do not wait to be saints to come to Me; come to Me as you are, do not fear Me; I am the most Tender Father; I can be your Holy Companion; I and you, you and I, and I shall reveal to you My Holy Face; I shall reveal to you the Holy Face of your God; your eyes shall see Love face to face, and when this happens, angered demons shall take flight, and you will then understand, beloved one, that from the beginning you were Mine and I was yours for all eternity; be one with Me; Love is at your door; I, Jesus Christ, bless you;  February 25, 1991 Love seeks a return of Love; (I suddenly was thinking of the spelling and grammar mistakes now and then in these texts, and what He had said about it to another mystic who is dead now, when she had the same problem.) yes, you are obliging Me to reduce Myself to your level of grammar to reach you, and your limited knowledge of words; oh yes! you are most imperfect as an instrument, (Jesus was smiling.) but I can use you even in your imperfection, little one; your Jesus has blessed you over and over again, and one day, Vassula, one day, I shall appear to you in My Light and absorb you into My Light ... but now I and you will continue as it is; Praised be the Lord! (Satan said “Finally”, as it had taken me some time to write those praising words. Immediately Jesus’ Voice resounded, telling him: “ Silence! ” Satan wanted me to think it was Jesus telling me “finally”.) February 26, 1991 (Today I was thinking, if I could get a message from St Paul or St Peter, I wanted to penetrate into mysteries and I asked the Lord for His response.) Lord? I Am; listen, flower, today My concern is your redemption; why seek into My mysteries which I am not willing to give you? sanctity is My concern for you; repentance is what I seek from you;