True Life in God Messages

Notebook 49 True Life in God 501 today for repentance to the sinners disturbs your ears; when Righteousness suddenly shines out with healing in its rays, you refuse My Gift which is offered today in your dark era; am I to accept your persecutions over and over again? am I to sacrifice year after year My Abels and My Jacobs who are the incense of My altars and the sturdy pillars of My Church? you have closed your ears to My Voice to listen only to your own; you have deprived many of eating the fruits of My New Vineyards because Satan has entered you and ambushed your spirit, and lo, others are atoning for your crimes; 1 others are atoning for your vanity and your folly: to save you; every day these generous souls offer their cheek to you, to be struck, to be abased and afflicted, for your sake, these generous souls expiate with their own blood: to save you; I am waiting to hear you, but you are not saying what you ought to; you do not repent, but you go astray as you pursue your course dragging millions behind you; you go for seats and authority but not for conquering and saving souls, but you shall fall ... and this continuous apostasy shall cease ... and in you, My Abels and My Jacobs, I shall rebuild My altars that once were, but that now lie in ruin; I shall make crystal-clear rivers flow out of you and your witnessing shall be fruitful because these waters will be coming out of My Source; and like trees of life growing by this Holy river, My children shall prosper from your witnessing; children, courage, I have not abandoned you, nor have I forgotten you; anyone who lives in Me will feel My Love, anyone who feeds from Me shall not be cut off to die, he who remains in Me shall live; I, the Bridegroom, descend 1Suddenly Jesus’ Voice became tender and sad. to wed you in My Peace and Love and remind you that from the Beginning you were Mine; I, the Lord, bless you, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your foreheads; be one, under My Holy Name;  February 14, 1991 peace be with you; flower, love Me; sanctity does not come in one day; abandon yourself entirely to Me; adore Me and love Me and I shall do the rest; do not sleep; soul, your sins are numerous, and so are the wounds you give Me; each time you sin it comes on Me, as a stroke, or a scourge, or a hole in My Body by a nail; why, Vassula? why? I, who revealed to you My Holy Face, have I revealed to you My Face to be struck? and have I shown you the Wound of My Heart so you would pierce It more? on earth there is no one to be found more wretched than you are! O what a wretch! do not go now, sit and hear what I have to say; had it not been for My Infinite Mercy, the Father’s Justice would have struck you and you would have withered instantly; have I taught you to sin? where are the offerings you owe Me? where are the sacrifices you promised Me, soul? why have you been neglecting Me? Lent is here; Lent will bring My Passion back to you, yet you are neither ready nor prepared; I filled you with Celestial food to grow in My Light and become a vessel of light, I made you Mine, and with everlasting Love I have risen you from the pit to become My bride in My Presence and the presence of My angels for ever, yet your eyelids, heavy with sleep, took the best out of you; O My Vassula! if only you knew how I, the Lord, love you! I am thirsty for love;