True Life in God Messages

Notebook 49 True Life in God 497 God’s Powers; indeed the earth, without your fervent prayers of Peace, will feel Satan’s vomit1pour out to blow away the little light that is left in you; I am melancholic beyond words; I have prayed for you all, I will always; children, please meditate on Our Messages; live to the word Our Messages; I, your Blessed Mother, bless you; February 4, 1991 daughter, have My Peace; Take pity on me Lord, I seek and do not seem to find You, I call and I do not seem to hear Your Voice. I do not know where I am walking; my persecutors are hounding me, if Your Strength will not uphold me I shall surely be crushed, O for the wings of a dove to fly up to You! God, how I love You! peace daughter! come, I want you to look for higher things; I am constantly helping you to reach a higher level of prayer; I remain always near you; be strong; I love you to passion and My Love shall remain; – dearest soul, be patient, I shall unfold everything in its own time, yes, everything has its own time; My Spirit has come down to rest on you so let nothing disturb you; – the prince2 of this world has great power and this was given to him to accomplish the Scriptures; I have told you this so that you understand ... never doubt of My Presence; I am with you to guide your feet into the way of perfection but, My Vassula, no one reaches perfection unless they go through My Cross; learn that self1Rv. 12:15. 2Satan. abnegation will lead you into the path of perfection, I will be glorified and you purified; I know with what reluctance3 and difficulty your spirit accepts this special way I have given you, but this is one more reason why I have chosen you; I desired to have in My Hands a simple and weak instrument, a nothing, to shame the wise and the learned; I wanted someone without any Knowledge; I have chosen you and not you, Me; I am the Holy One who came to pitch My Tent in you; I have come upon you suddenly like a sweet breeze, and like the wind, no one knows from where it comes from; lean on Me now, I shall guide your step, I shall never abandon you ever; you are living under My Light; you have, soul, inherited My Love; so: Hope, daughter, tell Me that your hope is in Me, My Lord Yahweh, my Hope is in You. Faith , daughter, tell Me that you have put your faith in Me, in all its fullness and I will tell you that your soul shall be rewarded; have faith and exult Me by offering it to Me; My Lord Yahweh, I believe and I have faith in You and Your Promise. I trust You. Love, daughter, tell Me that you love Me with all your heart, your soul and with all your mind; show Me that your love is pure, beloved, show Me that you love your neighbour as yourself; Teach me, my Lord Yahweh, how to love You and love my neighbour as myself. 3For fear I am wrong.