True Life in God Messages

496 True Life in God Notebook 49 their fruit will be good to eat and the leaves medicinal”, like a tree, you shall be, renewed by My Holy Spirit that never fails you and your leaves shall be medicinal; yes, your witnessing shall cure the sick, converting nation after nation, but not on your own; it will not be you speaking, but My Holy Spirit who lives in you; and like builders, I shall send you from the ends of the world with a cane in your hand like a measuring rod1 to reconstruct My Sanctuary and the altars that lie in ruin and have become the haunt of the devils; 2 pray, My beloved ones, that everyone may have time to convert; pray that Grace comes upon them so that they recognise and acknowledge the Truth; pray for those who have turned to myths rather than the Truth; pray for the conversion of the world; pray that I inhabit every soul, and that I make her My Property; pray that I may flow in these souls, “like a river down the middle of a city street”, 3 sacrifice for these conversions, little children; stay near Me, for a leopard4 is lurking very near by, stay near Me in constant prayer: an infinite prayer; allow Me to leave My Sigh of Love on your foreheads blessing you all; be one under My Holy Name,  there, My Vassula, this will feed many; I love you My child; Love blesses you; bless Me; Lord, I bless You: Maranatha! 1Rv. 11:1. 2Rv. 18:2. 3Rv. 22:2. 4Rv. 13:2; Dn. 7:6; Ho. 13:7. January 31, 1991 (Our Holy Mother’s Message for February 23.) praised be the Lord and peace to you all; God is calling you to Himself; meditate upon this; God has been calling you since you were born; born for Him, born to love Him, born to please Him, born to return to Him; respond to His Call; I have been trying through My Messages here and in other parts of the world to bring you back, with love, to the true Life in God for your salvation; little ones, yes, I call you little, because the Lord has revealed His Face to you and not to the learned nor to the clever; realise too that it was not flesh and blood that revealed to you the truths, the imminence and the grace of these Messages of your era for your salvation and made you believe them, but the Father Himself, by His Grace upon you; so if your neighbour has not yet been stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit of Grace, pray that He too receives this Grace for his conversion and enters into the Kingdom of God; God is calling everyone to Himself; try to understand God’s Call of Peace, I exhort you to pray for Peace, be zealous for Peace; blessed children, let Me tell you once more that I need your prayers of Peace, for I take them all and offer them as a bouquet of spring flowers to the Almighty; your prayers do not go in vain, they are a real glory to God, they are a proof of your love; Satan is very powerful and his fierce anger is pursuing all the first-fruits of the Lord, those who bear witness for Jesus; Jesus, in His earlier Messages had made you understand how Satan is trying to extinguish the small flame that is left in this world and leave you without light, without happiness; without mercy, he is blaspheming all