True Life in God Messages

Notebook 49 True Life in God 495 of God1 is that which comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world; your ancestors ate manna in the desert; and I have given the multitudes already a forerunner of My Eucharist, I had multiplied the loaves to feed them; as I feed you My Body, to give you Life, I had multiplied the fishes too, a symbol of My Name, a symbol of He-WhoFeeds-You, a symbolic sign of My Name:  , which means: Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and Saviour; so I tell you most solemnly today that the Messages My Spirit is outpouring on every nation, are not merely words, they are Spirit and they are Life; have you not read what Scripture says: “He gave them bread from Heaven to eat;” 2 are these signs not enough to convince you? today I am feeding your interior desert with a Celestial Bread, still another miraculous food, a Miraculous Food that does not perish but enlivens your spirit, for as the earth makes fresh things grow, as a garden makes seeds spring up, so does My Glorious Food reactivate in you, Life, ardour and devotion; like a spark that can give fire, so does My Holy Spirit come down on you to reanimate this flickering flame inside you into a consuming Fire of Love; Scripture says: “an unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of the Spirit of God: he sees it all as nonsense; it is beyond his understanding because it can only be understood by means of the spirit”; 3 the New Heavens and the New Earth are right at your doors now; yet many of you have not understood and see it all as nonsense; these unspiritual people prefer to take all of My Signs in a superficial way and scorn My Celestial Messages; but Scriptures are being fulfilled, for they had indeed announced that during the 1Jesus now means the Holy Spirit. 2Ex. 16:4. 3 1 Co. 2:14. last days there will be people who will make fun of My Promise; since I knew that men have an infinite capacity for sinning and that the Enemy would be enthroned, in the end of times, into My Sanctuary, I have, for this reason, kept for Myself a remnant to be the builders of My New Sanctuary, the First-Fruits of My Spirit; as I had once kept for Myself seven thousand men who had not bent the knee to Baal in those days of Elijah, today too, I have by My Grace kept for Myself this remnant, a hundred and forty-four thousand people, 4 all with My Name and My Father’s Name written on their foreheads; 5 these are the ones who never allow a lie to pass their lips, 6 these are My first-fruits of the New Heavens and the New Earth, these will be the trees7 of life which would bear twelve8 crops of fruit in a year, one in each month, and the leaves of which are the cure for the pagans; 9 to refresh your memories, I shall explain to you once more what the book of Ezekiel the prophet10 says: “along the river, on either bank, will grow every kind of fruit tree”, this means: Spiritanointed priests to laymen, “with leaves that never wither and fruit that never fails, they will bear fruit every month, because this water11 comes from the Sanctuary”, 12 since this water will come and rise from the throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing, crystal-clear, down the middle of the city street, 13 “and 4 Symbolic number: From all around the world, a perfect people. (Rv. 14:1). 5Rv. 14:1. 6Rv. 14:5. 7Trees of life = the new-born = the first-fruits. 8 Symbolic number: The New Church. The People of God 9 Rv. 22:2. The new disciples who by means of the Spirit will go out to convert godless people. 10Ezk. 47:12. 11Water coming out of Christ’s Heart. 12Water coming from Christ’s Heart. 13Rv. 22:1-2.