True Life in God Messages

494 True Life in God Notebook 49 rest in the Lord’s Heart, Vassula; be the sign of His Love; have My Peace: Saint Michael; January 21, 1991 “You, who have seen my wretchedness, and known the miseries of my soul” 1 take pity on me, take pity on all of us. daughter, when this time of Grace is over, so will be My Mercy; then your era shall have to face My Justice; I bless you for lending Me your ear, your time and your hand; I bless you and your companions; take My Hand, I shall offer you Joy and Peace; Love is near you; have My Peace;  January 24, 1991 My Lord? I Am; I give you My Peace; write: (Message for the prayer groups.) peace be with you; beloved, you whom My Heart seeks to attract without cease; you whom My Heart loves to folly; you whom I created out of My Sublime Love; you whom I made out of your body, My Temple, live holy ... and you who sin constantly, offending Me, My Heart has forgiven you; rejoice! be joyful! for your Master is not far away, your Lord is on His way of Return; come and praise Me, come ... even the pebbles and the rocks will soon cry out on My Return: “blessings on the King who comes!” whoever comes to Me, 1Ps. 31:8. even in his or her state of sin and is repentant, I shall not turn away; yet to this day there are some who do not believe in My Mercy nor in My Love; not only do they not believe, but it is they who betray Me; today I am telling you as I had once said: “no one could come to Me, unless the Father allows him;” 2 this is why I am telling you to pray, that all may receive through the Father’s Mercy: Grace; Grace, to be converted; yes, to “come” to Me, it is necessary that one be brought by Grace given to him from above; I shall never reject anyone who accepts this Grace; so do not waste your time seeking objections to object My Spirit’s Works; if I call and you do not respond, you are not responding to Grace; beloved ones, I ask you to pray that everyone receives this Grace to believe and be converted; the Words I am giving you are Spirit; they uplift, they revive and they give Light in your inner darkness; I have, children of Mine, given you many signs to believe that the Spirit is active and alive, so do not wait for material signs; My Spirit comes with full force in these days to help you now when night is yawning its darkness all around you; how My Heart pities you to watch your little hands grope their way through this night! I am giving you many signs that you may believe that these are the days when My Spirit is being poured out on all mankind as never before, so you who still waver, distrustful and doubtful, asking Me to give you a sign to show you that these Messages, among others spread in the world, are from Me, I tell you again most solemnly: it was not Moses who gave your ancestors bread from Heaven, but My Father; it is He who gave them bread from Heaven; it is My Father who feeds you, for the Bread 2Jn. 6:65.