True Life in God Messages

Notebook 49 True Life in God 493 remember, I am your Spouse; I, the Lord, bless you; keep Me locked in your mind; this pleases Me so much; I love you infinitely; come; January 18, 1991 (Message for my birthday) peace be with you, My Divine Heart shall encourage you to proceed without fear and the Father is generous; have confidence in Me; trust Me, little child, I shall fill you with consolation; 1 I have tested you, allow Me to assess you now and then; Vassula, even when everything may appear to you as lost, do not get discouraged; I shall smooth your way but at the same time I shall have you exposed as a sign of rejection; the rejection for Unity; sincerity is missing among them, so how can they make up the differences between them? But Lord, do You mean that they shall reject Your messages in the end? no; My Messages shall follow their course without you but you shall be tossed around; I shall permit your persecutors’ defiled hands to strike you and mistreat you openly; I shall allow them to contradict you ... and like crows ravaging the crop they will attack you; you will appear in their eyes as the loser because the wounds they will inflict on you will be impressive; these wounds, My child, shall be given to you from within My House and by My Own; they will be given to you from Cain's clan; I will allow them to strike an innocent child, but their gladness shall turn into mourning; yes, you will appear as the 1 For the past days I neither felt God near me nor ‘saw’ Him; I felt as though He deserted me, and I was melancholic. loser My Vassula, but have I not appeared as the loser too? I appeared to have failed My Mission, I appeared in the world’s eyes as the greatest loser ever; you are a sign given to them to arise questions that will be controversial; I do not mean to discourage you, Vassula, even when some of them try to stop My Messages from spreading any further among the people, be firm, My Vassula, be firm as a rock; Lord, if they ‘brake’ me as You seem to make me understand, wound my soul near to death, how would I be able to be firm and standing? lacerated you shall be, but I, the Lord, shall be standing by your side, and your strength shall be My Strength, come, fear not, bear witness for Me; January 19, 1991 (Message for the prayer group.) peace be with you; I, Saint Michael, ask you to consecrate your days and nights to petitions, fasting and prayer; soon, all things that have been hidden to you shall be revealed; may it be the Lord’s Will that you shall find His Mercy in His Day; if only you who have hardened your heart would listen to Him today... if you would only open your heart to hear His Voice... open your hearts, not your minds... everything goes in accordance with the Scriptures; soon many will start bending their knee to God and many whose tongues have not uttered a prayer shall start praying; be united, you who are God’s people, in your convictions and in your love; be united in prayer; I bless you all, in the Name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit;