True Life in God Messages

484 True Life in God Notebook 48 be blessed; I have told you all this today so that you may find peace and hope in Me; I have spoken to you today in plain words; beloved ones, stay vigilant and awake and you will hear My Footsteps; the Word now is very near you and on His way of Return; I bless you all, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your foreheads, this sigh that marks you as Mine; be one under My Holy Name;  December 22, 1990 My Jesus? I am; I treat you very gently so that you, as My flower, grow; I want you strong and believe Me I shall make it possible; you shall be strong, daughter, since you carry My Word; in front of you, I Am, to break all barriers that come up while you are witnessing; I am the Most High, and I tell you, daughter, that I shall see to it that no power from beneath stops you from proclaiming My Message; I have taken you out of the land of Egypt to respond to Me in a foreign land and witness to a people not your own; so although your behaviour was appalling and your senses blemished, unabling you to see the Light, Mercy1 and Compassion was seized by your astounding misery, guilt and wretchedness and came to your rescue; no-o Vassula, you have not deserved any of My Gifts; why, I had servants in My Hand who honoured Me, never uttering but My Name in holiness, who blessed Me without cease, who praised the Holy Trinity wholeheartedly; but yet My Heart, an Abyss of Love, cried out for 1Mercy and Compassion = The Lord. you; you had accumulated sorrow upon sorrow in My Heart, treason upon treason; you were wrestling with Me, puny little creature ... but I knew that your heart is not a divided heart and that once I conquer your heart, it would become entirely Mine; an object of your era, you were wrestling with Me, but I have thrown you down in the wrestle and dragged you in the dust and into the desert where I left you there, all alone; I had provided you with a guardian angel, since the beginning of your existence, to guard you, console you and guide you, but My Wisdom ordered your guardian angel to leave you and to let you face the desert on your own; I said: “you are to live in spite of your nakedness!” 2 because no man is able to survive alone; 3 Satan would have taken over completely and would have killed you; My order was given to him too; I forbade him to touch you then; in your terror, you remembered Me and looked up, in Heaven, searching desperately for Me; your laments and your supplications suddenly broke the deathly stillness surrounding you and your terrified cries pierced through the heavens reaching the Holy Trinity's Ears ... “My child!” the Father’s Voice, full of joy, resounded through all Heaven; “Ah...I shall now make her penetrate My Wounds4 and let her eat My Body and drink My Blood; I shall espouse her to Me and she will be Mine for eternity; I shall show her the Love I have for her and her lips from thereon shall thirst for Me and her heart shall be My Headrest; she shall eagerly submit daily to My Righteousness; I shall make her an altar of My Love and of My Passion; I, and I 2 I became “naked” as soon as my guardian angel and all Heaven had turned their back to me. 3Abandoned by Heaven. 4The Son then spoke.