True Life in God Messages

482 True Life in God Notebook 48 smiling on you; remain in My Love; pray for Peace and be witnesses of the Truth; I, God, am with you and bless you; December 19, 1990 My Lord! I am; If only my people1would listen ... the ban would be lifted and they will listen, so courage, little one ... I am with you ... Love is near you ... oh Vassula, beloved, I am so close to you! 2 I Am; and I watch every step you take; rise and kiss Me, I am near you; kiss the Sacred Heart in front of you ... (I kissed His Sacred Heart.) yes ... please Me now and write; (I looked in His Holy Face and my heart leaped with joy.) peace be with you; it is I, beloved children, the Sacred Heart; it is I, your Saviour who pursues you to gain your heart and make it entirely Mine; today I have assembled you as in a school, to be together and learn directly from Wisdom; I intend to give sight to the blind, so that they may see My Splendour, and instruct the unlearned to grow in My Spirit and know how to tell sin from virtue; I intend to gain every heart, even those who turned into granite and are unyielding as millstones; like a man who invites his friends to share his property, I too invite you to share My Property; My assemblies are similar to a school; they are to progress you into your 1The Orthodoxy. 2Jesus meant by my little writing table. spiritual life and remind each one of you of the contents of My Word; in My School, I prepare your spirit for My Great Return and by My Grace I discourse to you now and then of future things to let you know their outcome; if you do not learn from Wisdom, how then will you be able to live according to My Law? besides, many of you did not know Me, no more than the one I have sent you; but I am the Resurrection, see how former predictions have come true? I raised her from her grave and have taken her by the hand and formed her to court her; yes, I am the Resurrection and the Light; have I not done the same to you too? have I not taken pity on you? and those who were far away from My Heart, have I not sought and found? and have I not with everlasting Love taken you back to Me? and have I, your Lord, not been courting you all these years to win your heart? I have roused up My Mercy to suppress My Fury and I poured out My Love instead of My Justice; and My Peace was offered to you, followed by Grace, and My Compassion leaned down from heaven, granting you the requests of your prayers; I have never ceased blessing you; “like a watercourse running into a garden, I said, I am going to water My orchard; I intend to irrigate My flower beds, and see, My watercourse has grown into a river and My river will grow into a sea”; 3 today I tell you: your Shepherd shall soon live among you and shall pasture His flock in the gardens of His City; noo, you are not yet one flock, but I shall fetch you one by one out of the desert; therefore, My little flock, when from afar you see your Shepherd coming up from the desert, know that I shall have with Me the rest of My lambs, and all the 3Si. 24:30-31.