True Life in God Messages

Notebook 48 True Life in God 481 rise now and restore My House; do not stop loving Me, otherwise you will wither as quick as grass and fade away; and remember one major thing: Love loves you;  Praised be the Lord! Glory be to God! like clay in the hands of a potter I shall mould you as I please since you have given Me the liberty to do so, and your will; Praised be the Lord! You have asked me to be the slave of Your Love; since I am not worthy to be Your slave, the slave of God, lead me into Your purifying Fire and refine me, my King, as gold is refined so that I am able to glorify You, for I am only committing sin after sin. Out of pity, Lord, allow Your Light to shine in my darkness. Teach me to be the victim of Your Heart, and embrace Your Cross ardently and not with consternation, while on the road to Calvary, this road that leads to happiness since it’s The Path of Holiness and one which You, as the Perfect Victim, first trod on. I am constantly sinning, yet You do not punish me as my sin deserves, You are sparing me without cease, and You allow Your Light to be in me; this is why I know that: God is on my side. Now I must fulfil the vows I made You in the consecration to Your Sacred Heart; allow me to stay in Your Tent forever, allow me to cling on You and gaze on Your Holy Face and I will bless You all my life, and my soul will feast in Your Love and in Your Presence. pupil! rejoice then in My Tent, and worship Me; remember, I have given you something very precious, guard it and embrace it with love; My Cross will guide you into holiness, little soul; I give you My Peace; I bless You, Jesus. the One who loves you most, blesses you;  December 18, 1990 (I feel in me that I am entering another phase of my life in God, like a student, going to a higher class which will require harder work ...) Lord? I Am; take My Hand and say with Me this prayer: “Father, take all I have; amen;” offer the Father everything and you shall be saved; do not fear Him; abandon yourself to Him; Vassula, allow Me to breathe in you; be confident for I am with you;  read Isaiah 55; Vassula, add these lines to My Message given for the meeting; I am coming to you today to tell you how complete My joy is; since I am the One you are looking for and you have come from far to hear Me, I tell you, My very beloved ones: I, your God, am