True Life in God Messages

Notebook 47 True Life in God 477 these Wounds were given to Me out of Love for her; a man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends, and you are, all of you, My friends; I have laid down My life out of love; but daughter, this is the Cross I have charged you with; remember, I am bearing It together with you; to unite you, 1Justice will have to intervene; My Vassula, I am with you always to the end; do not be afraid, then, and disconsolate; I knew, My angel, all along that these people would hound you; like hunters, each one would pull out his weapon and pursue you, because I am sending you to a people not your own; the leaders of your nation shall persecute you and deject you and treat you as they please because what I have given you to carry in your hand is not a man’s teachings but Mine; and since My Language and My Teachings do not penetrate them, they would disagree and they will treat you as an impostor; I have told you already that the world will condemn you, but even when they are condemning you, declare to the world what you have learnt from Me; daughter, if My Language cannot be understood by the world it is because their doctrine is not grounded in the Truth, which is Love; I have deported you from Egypt to a people not your own, to unite My Church, but no one yet knows the whole way to unity and no one yet has grasped the outsetting of My Plan; they have not yet recognised the paths I am preparing for them to tread; the theologians and the philosophers have not yet found the key to Unity that Wisdom holds; I speak but they do not take in what I say; only My Own take in what I say, I know them and they know Me; so, My Vassula, do your work before the appointed time; 1The Churches. I have entrusted you with My Cross; bear It with love; soon there is going to be a time of great distress unlikened to any other, but soon after that a fountain will spring from My House to water this desert; so courage, daughter, bear this bar across your shoulders with love and nothing will go in vain; if clay washes away with the first drops of rain, your soul remains forever; 2 so death is swallowed up in victory; Love is near you to guide you, so beware of these philosophers and theologians, the more severe will be the sentence they receive! bless Me and love Me as I taught you to love Me intimately but never forgetting that I am Holy; November 23, 1990 peace be with you; daughter, do you wish to progress? Yes Lord, I do. then, My child, I shall help you progress; this is My wish too; do not fall asleep, be awake of the dangers surrounding you; flower, even though My enemies tear upon you and pluck out your petals, I shall always replace them; should they leave you crumpled up, do not fear, I shall pour from the heavens My Dew and revive you; beautiful you should look and beautiful I shall make you and keep you; you are My envoy and you have nothing to fear of men; if they accuse you because you call Me Father it is because they have not understood that the Spirit of Love you received and that speaks through you, brings you peace and love to cry out: “Abba!”; My Spirit is united to you, My child; I have given you Spirit-anointed Messages for your era to revive you; all the words I have given 2 In other words: “If you, who are but dust and ashes, die, your soul is immortal.”