True Life in God Messages

Notebook 47 True Life in God 475 for signs, if I come all the way from Heaven to your doorstep it is to bring you the Peace of the Lord and My Peace; allow Me, therefore, to transform your hearts into a beautiful garden for the Holy One, so that He may find within your depths a spirit of holiness, love, peace, purity, obedience, humility and faithfulness; then your King will use all these virtues and combat the powers of evil; rise up from your sleep, children, and change your hearts; I am happy to see so many of you fast on bread and water and today I ask these generous souls to add something more to their days of fasting; I ask you to repent and confess, dear children; watch your lips from judging one another; do not, with all your fasting, allow your lips to be the cause of your condemnation; love one another; live our Messages; your King is addressing to you His Peace; I will keep patrolling the world to bring to the Lord those who are far away from Him; I need your generous prayers, children of Mine; I bless you all, I bless your families, your friends and even those you carry heavily in your hearts; yes, all are children of God; November 7, 1990 Lord, let everything founded in the Truth remain, and everything founded in Falsehood be extirpated and thrown into the fire. Lord, I feel you far, yet I know You are not, have I been insensible to Your Presence? My child, do your best and I shall do the rest; even though I may seem far from you, do not fear, I am not far; I, the Lord, keep a vigilant eye on you; pray, soul! pray that Justice relents and does not come suddenly upon your nations like a thunderclap; Vassula, 1 I have prayed for you to the Father and asked Him to hasten His Step; 2 read Jr. 44:7-9; allow Me to use your little hand; Use it, Lord, and use all of me as an atonement for Your Sacred Intentions. I am happy, 3 and I like it when you repose entirely your confidence in Me, for you are speaking to Me your God, not a man; you are reposing your confidence in Me and you must trust Me fully; so when you come to Me to offer me your will, look at Me full in the Face; I delight to hear you abandoning yourselves, reposing thus your confidence in Me; I rejoice to hear this adoration, for adoration it is if you offer Me your whole being, heart, soul and mind; Vassula, little soul, how could I resist your pleadings? to know that these come from such a vulnerable soul, a soul that I resurrected only yesterday! how could My Heart, little soul, resist your calls? draw from My Heart, little soul, and cling to Me! and pray for your brothers, for those who still lie as corpses under a thick layer of dust, pray that My Breath sweeps away this dust and My Finger touches their heart so that they too turn to Me, for they have deserted Me in favour of leisures and not to say more than that; be blessed My child; bless Me;  1Jesus changed tone here. 2Diffusing the messages. 3Jesus was smiling.